Thursday, September 30, 2010
Command Performance
Glenn Lewis entire debut CD had everyone thirsting for Stevie Wonder to go back into the studio and record again. Lewis project was tight, but it was too Stevie, but imitation is the best form of flattery right? You must give Lewis credit because he has done his homework. He clearly has graduated from the Stevie Wonder school of voice. Check him out on this Stevie Wonder classic.
Friday, September 24, 2010
The ideal of perfect is never without contradiction, to understand that the aspect of life is knowing that some rain must fall, as you'll have many mountains to climb. If the cries of joy is in the beginning I'm still puzzled why there's sorrow at the end. As a people we want what we want, is it a selfish act to want more than we give, and when we get that of what we want, for some it's not nearly enough.
From the outside looking in, have you ever noticed how easy it is to judge another persons situation, because it's not your own, learning for others mistakes is a blessing from God, a luxury called a six sense, so focus. Most people love to speak on things that they would not tolerate, but to err is human and we've all made mistakes, and are bound to make more. Show me a person who has never faltered and I'll show you someone who hasn't lived. Until you've walked in someone else shoe's, never condemn, at the end of the day when this life is over, the judgements will come from the most high.
Living is about the recovery and one's ability to forgive self, understanding what that entails is showing your true character to not only yourself but those around you. Addressing the problem without prolongation is meeting the challenges head on. Looking into a mirror and 'really' seeing yourself flaws and imperfections, that is when you are ready to live. Being down on your luck, isn't permanent, you must understand that a bad turn of events is temporary, the present shouldn't be the result of the levels that you were reduced to, a good heart, will represent no matter what obstacles comes your way, the resonance is in exuding the strength that got you through.
What Are You Doing With Your Life?
From the outside looking in, have you ever noticed how easy it is to judge another persons situation, because it's not your own, learning for others mistakes is a blessing from God, a luxury called a six sense, so focus. Most people love to speak on things that they would not tolerate, but to err is human and we've all made mistakes, and are bound to make more. Show me a person who has never faltered and I'll show you someone who hasn't lived. Until you've walked in someone else shoe's, never condemn, at the end of the day when this life is over, the judgements will come from the most high.
Living is about the recovery and one's ability to forgive self, understanding what that entails is showing your true character to not only yourself but those around you. Addressing the problem without prolongation is meeting the challenges head on. Looking into a mirror and 'really' seeing yourself flaws and imperfections, that is when you are ready to live. Being down on your luck, isn't permanent, you must understand that a bad turn of events is temporary, the present shouldn't be the result of the levels that you were reduced to, a good heart, will represent no matter what obstacles comes your way, the resonance is in exuding the strength that got you through.
What Are You Doing With Your Life?
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Command Performance
R&B is making a comeback, because the new breed of talent is finally starting to realize that MUCH work is required when you bypass gimmicks. Lyfe Jennings is very reminiscent of R&B great Bobby Womack. Honesty can be sexy when you understand what conviction truly represents. Enjoy!

Reverend Eddie Long, the Atlanta Minister with a following of more than 25000.00 thousand members has been accused of molesting young boys pretending to befriend them as a father figure, to gme their confidence, only to bed them later. Over 30 boys under the age of 22 have come forward. Long had an appetite for 'very' masculine guys. Most of the incidents started when the boys were between 17-18. For SHAME on your Reverend Long.
Lindsay Lohan back in jail affair for testing dirty on two drug tests. Lohan is a trainwreck looking to happen, she obviously needs help and since she isn't willing to rescue herself and it's clear that her parents could give a damn. If Lohan doesn't get it together, she will have a date with Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplan, Kurt Cobain, Heath Ledger and Anna Nicole Smith if she doesn't get it together soon.
Paris Hilton, arrested twice in one month for drug possesion. Anything to get into the news.
Rapper T.I. and his pigface wife Tiny were both arrested for drug possession. SMH
Singer Lyfe Jennings the 37-year-old rapper was given the jail sentence in an Atlanta court Wednesday for criminal trespassing, discharging a weapon near a street, possession of a firearm by a convicted felon and fleeing or attempting to elude a police officer
All of these people have abused their celebrity, and my constant question is why do we give celebrities 'passes' for poor behavior.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Hot Ticket .... Boris Kudjoe comes to NBC
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
My Sound Bites....

Paris Hilton a DRUGGIE who pleaded GUILTY to drug possession, but get this...NO JAIL TIME.....only in AMERICA where blondes are privileged. This is her second arrest for drugs in less than one month's time. I think she's pissed that the KKK sisters, Lindsay and Nicole Richie have ALL stolen her thunder.
Movies like Soul Plane, The Cookout gets released to theatre but a worthy movie like Stomp The Yard II goes straight to DVD. Where is the justice? I get it, but I don't have to agree with it. We need to do better people.
Watching Wendy Williams show is like bland soft porn, Wendy you got your TV show because you're CAMPY and TACKY!! You're softer image leaves a lot to be desired.
Does Halle Berry have any competition? She's been at the top of the game for almost twenty years, and she's not going anywhere. I love love love Halle.
Terry McMillian and her ex-husband Johnathan Plummer are being reunited again ever so briefly. The are bringing their forgiveness to Momma O's couch in the next few weeks. The episode is titled 'forgiveness' also on the show will be actress/author Jenny McCarthy Don't you just love Oprah Winfrey, she's going out with a bang. I hope that Terry McMillian comes clean this time, poor Johnathan got a bad rap the last time.
Monday, September 20, 2010
My Sound Bites...

T.I. got off from a weapons charge that any one else would have been in jail for YEARS, but T.I. gets less than one year in jail, fast forward to his prison release, where he's supposedly 'redeemed' and less than three months later, he's in Calif riding through Beverly Hills smoking weed with his wife, and gets pulled over AND arrested. So my question is WHERE IS THE LESSON learned?
Lindsay Lohan failed to drug test after going to jail and rehab, less three weeks after she has test dirty. Now Let's be real folks if it were you or I, wouldn't we be in jail? Why does fame preclude entertainers from following the same rules in which we are to follow? Hmmm I don't get it.
Chelsea Handler hosted the VMA Awards last week, and the show was whack? Her hosting duties sucked and her jokes were weak and in poor taste. Why are blonde bimbo's who drink a lot, why are they given a pass by America?
Jersey Shores whats the hype of some greasers from New Jersey? Are we that desperate that we'll rally behind ANYTHING? MTV needs to get back to focusing on the music and let their racist slant on who and what they allow to air on their channel.
It was discovered this week that a lady suffered self inflicted acid burns to her face, after originally claiming a black woman with a ponytail attacked her outside a coffee shop. I'm really tired of people blaming African Americans-& people of color in general, for crimes when these people committed the crime themselves (i. e. Susan Smith,etc.) WTH! And for some reason it's always 'okay' and the world moves on. Utterly RIDICULOUS!
Paris Hilton gets popped twice in one month time for drugs, but the brilliant excuse was It wasn't hers. Hmmm again she's blonde and America gives her a pass, not let's make it Nicki Minaj with the same exact situations, the outcome would be jail time. Where's the justice?
Chris 'Breezy' Brown new CD.. "F.A.M.E"

Chris 'Breezy' Brown is trying to get back to the business at hand which is his recording career. His next CD will be entitled F.A.M.E which means "Forgiving All My Enemies" and one of those enemies is himself, so Chris forgive yourself and keep it pushing. The incident was unfortunate, and of course we the world have our opinions on things that aren't necessarily our business, but everyone has their two cents which never adds up to five.
I'm ON board and I wish you all the luck and hopefully you can find redemption.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Happy Friday,
I was thinking about messages and how were are disciples brought forth to a set pace with patterns that make up the education that becomes the imperative force in our lives. I've often wondered why it's so hard for people to hear messages that have constantly been presented to them. Most times its situations of not being ready to fully hear the truth, which only speaks to the work that needs to be presented forth in your growth ability Seeking knowledge and wisdom is giving yourself the full due diligence with the tools in which you've been given.
For The Lord gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding - Proverbs 2:6
Living and being present is about the understanding of the flow to your life and the people that you encounter. I can never stress this enough, we must make the most of our time here on earth, it goes so by so very fast, and can be taken away in an instant. Like a message in a bottle that sentiment has carried a wealth of information for thousands of years. Remember information and enlightenment can come in the form of a two year old, if you're open to the delivery. Words and good will should be shared with sincerity, as you never know what kind of impression you've left on someone. Messengers are works of the master, so when someone shares knowledge with you, it's not to be greeted with resistance, it should be welcomed.
Footprints that lead, eyes that communicate, hands that greet, chirping birds that sing outside on your windowsill, should all be utilized, so please pay attention to signs, some of them are there as a warning, some are there to educate and others are to teach, knowing which one that you are called on to do, could change at any given moment. Constructive criticisms aren't so much meant to tear you down, but more so to build you up, the thing that matters most is that the messenger cared enough to take the time to notice and pay attention, when given such a honor, shouldn't you see it as the reward?
What Are You Doing With Your Life?
I was thinking about messages and how were are disciples brought forth to a set pace with patterns that make up the education that becomes the imperative force in our lives. I've often wondered why it's so hard for people to hear messages that have constantly been presented to them. Most times its situations of not being ready to fully hear the truth, which only speaks to the work that needs to be presented forth in your growth ability Seeking knowledge and wisdom is giving yourself the full due diligence with the tools in which you've been given.
For The Lord gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding - Proverbs 2:6
Living and being present is about the understanding of the flow to your life and the people that you encounter. I can never stress this enough, we must make the most of our time here on earth, it goes so by so very fast, and can be taken away in an instant. Like a message in a bottle that sentiment has carried a wealth of information for thousands of years. Remember information and enlightenment can come in the form of a two year old, if you're open to the delivery. Words and good will should be shared with sincerity, as you never know what kind of impression you've left on someone. Messengers are works of the master, so when someone shares knowledge with you, it's not to be greeted with resistance, it should be welcomed.
Footprints that lead, eyes that communicate, hands that greet, chirping birds that sing outside on your windowsill, should all be utilized, so please pay attention to signs, some of them are there as a warning, some are there to educate and others are to teach, knowing which one that you are called on to do, could change at any given moment. Constructive criticisms aren't so much meant to tear you down, but more so to build you up, the thing that matters most is that the messenger cared enough to take the time to notice and pay attention, when given such a honor, shouldn't you see it as the reward?
What Are You Doing With Your Life?
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Command Performance
Simplistic artisty at it's finest, Marvin Gaye was pure genius and a troubled soul. The man voice was piercing and his delivery was unequaled. Unfortunately Berry Gordy wanted him to be a caged bird, but only do r&b music, had Marvin had his way he wouldve done jazz, pop, rock and everything in between, because that's how large his talent was. He was ahead of his time and he is the mastermind behind the 'concept' album/cd. This performance came at the time of his exile from America, and prepped his 'Sexual Healing' comeback in the United States. This is a rare performance but it shows that TALENT wins over gimmick every time. Marvin I and the world misses your magic.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Gone But Not Forgotten...Tupac FOREVER!!

Fourteen years after your passing, Tupac Shakur .... "We Are STILL Down" with you and your movent. RIP
Monday, September 13, 2010
Nobody Does It Better........

Today opens the 25Th Anniversary of The Oprah Winfrey Show, this is her 'farewell' season, so for the next 130 episodes I'm going to be glued to my television like my life depended on it. I can't imagine a day when Oprah Winfrey wasn't a part of my culture and history. She has broken every barrier in television, she was this little girl who had a dream, and against ALL the odds she proved the world wrong. Who would've thought a black overweight girl from the south, would grow up to the most successful female in the history of television and not to mention a BILLIONAIRE!! Oprah did it her way, I can't say that I've always agreed with her choices, but I can say that I've always respected her position. Dealing with the powers that be, you have to answer to someone, and in this crazy world, you're not going to please everyone. I came away believing that you do the very best that you can with what you are given.
Today I salute Oprah Winfrey and it's going to be a very sad goodbye and yet I know that all good things come to an end, but I would be remissed if I didn't say thank you to her. She's part of the reason that I write and that I love journalism so much. I respect the Oprah Winfrey brand, because in spite of how journalism has become such tabloid trash, she never went with popular, fad culture she stuck to her guns and always brought integrity to delivering her method of journalism which was always based on fact NOT fiction. I encourage everyone to take time out this season to really sit back and enjoy every hour that you can of this farewell season. Wherever Ms. Winfrey next phase of her career takes her, I wish her all the successes in the world, and I know that she probably has more tricks up her sleeves than anyone can Imagine, and whatever she chooses to venture into, I'm fully on board. Thanks Oprah for showing the world how journalism and a talk show should be done.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Happy Friday
I woke up screaming for help and the pressure was so unbearable. I couldnt breathe, when the pressure is so intense, nowhere to run, and no one one to turn to, what can you do, you can't sleep forever as you'll find problems don't go away on their own,better choices doesn't necessarily mean a happy ending. Strength is something that endures over time. When you're in the trenches, you don't know if you're coming or going and it gets thick, merky waters try to saturate every pore in the trying times, as you deal with your turmoil.
I believe that we have angels who walk the earth, they come in all forms. This year has been a testament of my survival and it hasn't been pretty, but then again life isn't always meant to be pretty. I wish I could say that my walk has been a unique one, but its been similar for many who color my surroundings. In a perfect world you quickly come to understand that such a thing does not exist. You come to realize that you do the very best with that you are given. The word character defines who you are and what you are made of, and the layers that unfold makes you the person that you grow to become. Following through life with a smile on your face is a very easy thing to do when turbulance is not a part of your circumstance. The cry for help in those trying times may be your only refuge, when the only question that seems logical is the 'what do you do' one, does it show a weakness if you're not able to handle your responsibilities? Knowing is half the battle, to know thattrouble times do not last always. When you realize how much Job was tested, that should give you more motivation in knowing that better days are soon ahead.
Those angels on your shoulders are there for you to call on, believe it or not they manifest truth from fiction. That stranger who lent a helping hand, that same onewho reached down to pull you up from the dark, the light that is revealed has all the makings of what you've endured, and that story is meant to be shared. Ugly days will continue to happen on occasion, but the extra comfort is the belief that your survival takes flight by the company that you keep and when you can humble yourself or situation. Presently I'm in a valley and the trenches are many, even in that present hell I know that I will win this battle and so will you. These are trying times and it gets so thick that you wonder if your faith is enough, day in and day out assures you that the one 'of little faith' is not the destiny that awaits your biography. Chapters have many rewrites, when its time for your close-up what is going to be your angle, which side will you reveal and what will you have to offer in making the landing smoother for your fellowman, because ultimately you're an angel too.
What Are You Doing With Your Life?
I woke up screaming for help and the pressure was so unbearable. I couldnt breathe, when the pressure is so intense, nowhere to run, and no one one to turn to, what can you do, you can't sleep forever as you'll find problems don't go away on their own,better choices doesn't necessarily mean a happy ending. Strength is something that endures over time. When you're in the trenches, you don't know if you're coming or going and it gets thick, merky waters try to saturate every pore in the trying times, as you deal with your turmoil.
I believe that we have angels who walk the earth, they come in all forms. This year has been a testament of my survival and it hasn't been pretty, but then again life isn't always meant to be pretty. I wish I could say that my walk has been a unique one, but its been similar for many who color my surroundings. In a perfect world you quickly come to understand that such a thing does not exist. You come to realize that you do the very best with that you are given. The word character defines who you are and what you are made of, and the layers that unfold makes you the person that you grow to become. Following through life with a smile on your face is a very easy thing to do when turbulance is not a part of your circumstance. The cry for help in those trying times may be your only refuge, when the only question that seems logical is the 'what do you do' one, does it show a weakness if you're not able to handle your responsibilities? Knowing is half the battle, to know thattrouble times do not last always. When you realize how much Job was tested, that should give you more motivation in knowing that better days are soon ahead.
Those angels on your shoulders are there for you to call on, believe it or not they manifest truth from fiction. That stranger who lent a helping hand, that same onewho reached down to pull you up from the dark, the light that is revealed has all the makings of what you've endured, and that story is meant to be shared. Ugly days will continue to happen on occasion, but the extra comfort is the belief that your survival takes flight by the company that you keep and when you can humble yourself or situation. Presently I'm in a valley and the trenches are many, even in that present hell I know that I will win this battle and so will you. These are trying times and it gets so thick that you wonder if your faith is enough, day in and day out assures you that the one 'of little faith' is not the destiny that awaits your biography. Chapters have many rewrites, when its time for your close-up what is going to be your angle, which side will you reveal and what will you have to offer in making the landing smoother for your fellowman, because ultimately you're an angel too.
What Are You Doing With Your Life?
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Command Performance
This is why Ce Ce will ALWAYS be my baby. Not only is Ciara beautiful and very Top Model like, she a kick ass dancer, who easily channels Janet Jackson, and there isn't another female in the game that can dance like her.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Happy Friday,
Ever wonder how you can read the same book as someone else but come away with two different understandings? I find it fascinating the vast differences Of opinion especially between men and women, of course the mutual attraction keeps it very interesting. Things become very bumpy in the communication department, women are lovers of dialogue while must of us men are 'forced' to be good listeners. Dialogue is to be listened to and thoroughly digested, we men listen to the 'often' complaints from the female perception, Sometimes you just need a minute to process the topic, before discussion. I find that problems arise when we do not change and become the person that our mates want us to be, how odd is the fact that when met, we 'men' were being ourselves, now we're asked/forced to change. Almost like a child that constantly asks the question 'why'.
I don't mind walking together but if someone has to lead, it will be me, often when I've said that to someone, its taken the wrong way, its that 'perception thing. Learning is a sharing concept and with that being said we must be open to hear wherever the messages are coming from. I've talked about stagnation practices before and the redundancy of routine giving you the same results. We must continue to open ourselves up the 'impossible' a dream stems from a possibility, in your consciousness.
Faith and belief is taught from the good book, then there's that word
'perception' again. We all read from the same bible but the perception and
interpretation is widely divided which is what brings about different dominations in religion. To follow comes from trusting the person who is willing to take the lead, and being the leader doesn't mean that you're always right, but it shows their initiative to learn the steps that are laid out for the journey of embarkation. The earth moves and the stars when aligned can reveal why personality traits exist and can bring about a shift in your life, you have to decide how to make the best of the situations that you are presented with, once you are zoned in you fully realize that survival comes from the tools that you present from within.
What Are You Doing With Your Life?
Ever wonder how you can read the same book as someone else but come away with two different understandings? I find it fascinating the vast differences Of opinion especially between men and women, of course the mutual attraction keeps it very interesting. Things become very bumpy in the communication department, women are lovers of dialogue while must of us men are 'forced' to be good listeners. Dialogue is to be listened to and thoroughly digested, we men listen to the 'often' complaints from the female perception, Sometimes you just need a minute to process the topic, before discussion. I find that problems arise when we do not change and become the person that our mates want us to be, how odd is the fact that when met, we 'men' were being ourselves, now we're asked/forced to change. Almost like a child that constantly asks the question 'why'.
I don't mind walking together but if someone has to lead, it will be me, often when I've said that to someone, its taken the wrong way, its that 'perception thing. Learning is a sharing concept and with that being said we must be open to hear wherever the messages are coming from. I've talked about stagnation practices before and the redundancy of routine giving you the same results. We must continue to open ourselves up the 'impossible' a dream stems from a possibility, in your consciousness.
Faith and belief is taught from the good book, then there's that word
'perception' again. We all read from the same bible but the perception and
interpretation is widely divided which is what brings about different dominations in religion. To follow comes from trusting the person who is willing to take the lead, and being the leader doesn't mean that you're always right, but it shows their initiative to learn the steps that are laid out for the journey of embarkation. The earth moves and the stars when aligned can reveal why personality traits exist and can bring about a shift in your life, you have to decide how to make the best of the situations that you are presented with, once you are zoned in you fully realize that survival comes from the tools that you present from within.
What Are You Doing With Your Life?
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Command Performance
One thing that you can't deny is this Fantasia's 'talent' and 'stage presence'. I love this performance, and it's a befitting tribute to Patti Labelle. Enjoy!
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