So its 1986 -- And its all about That VOICE. Shoreline Amphitheatre, Mountain View, Ca ... I was in the fifth row center. Her entire show was on that 'Out Of This World' level. She was in the midst of Super stardom stats. She only had her debut Album out, but the success of her monster debut kept her on the road for over two years. During this concert she debut 'I Wanna Dance With Somebody who loves me' and the crowd went CRAZY' now mind you that single would not be released until March/April 1987. She was full of life and very aware of her true gift, her powerful instrument. She did several cover songs during her show..she opened with '2001 Space Odyssey', then you heard her voice sing 'there's a place that you've been dreaming of, find your strength in looooooove'...then she appeared on stage in a purple sequin jumpsuit singing Michael's'You Want To Be Starting Something' the crowd wend WILD! She sang a few covers like Eternal Love, Kenny Loggins 'Heart To Heart' and of course 'I Am Changing(from Dreamgirls)' which lasted about ten minutes, she was pitch PERFECT!
The show lasted well over 2 hours, a sold out crowd and a EXCELLENT performance that included her entire debut album which was filled with hits like 'You Give Good Love', 'Saving All My Love', 'How Will I Know' and the song that was to become her favorite signature song 'The Greatest Love Of All'.
I know for a fact that these shows were recorded, because I saw them taping the footage, so I don't know if it was just for Whitney or if Clive has the footage...hopefully this show will see the light of day.#HeavenOnEarth