Sunday, April 29, 2012
Sunday's At My House
Another scripture that I love is "To God Be The Glory" .... Church was always a part of my home, and as a young child, I didn't understand why I had to go to church so much, and why was the service so long. Growing up I've come to realize that God is ever present, and it's a complete difference when you go to church because you want to as oppose to the feeling of being forced to go. Another remarkable thing that I remembered about Church as a child, even when I didn't think that I was paying attention, I always left the service remembering the message, and isn't that the point?
Friday, April 27, 2012
Happy Friday Everyone ....
A stroll through the park walking with the one you love, instantly gives you such a warm fuzzy set of memories often to last you a lifetime. We travel through time like we're in a space odyssey. Most live a conservative life, and some live their life on the edge. I've always been a person who was young at heart, I think it has been a big plus for me, with the way that I view things, I could easily venture further and say that maturity came late for me, well more so responsibility came late. Taking risks has the greatest rewards when it works, but when the risk doesn't work you tumble, and the fall isn't so easy to rebound from. Growing up I wanted to always be viewed as the 'fun' guy. In your early twenties you're walking around with rose colored glasses, and the friendships, jobs, and love life, basically everything is new, you want to take on the world, you're gullible, as you embark on the many mistakes and wrong turns. The beauty of it all, is that mistakes can be corrected, wisdom comes with growth, and we're all better for having participated in every stage of the journey.
Life passes and we have to bask in the moment and be grateful for the life that we're afforded, as bad as it may seem at times, the better life is yours in comparison to other parts of the world. This week was my mother's birthday, I went to her burial place, as I placed flowers on her grave,I had such peace in freely talking to her in ways that I have never experienced since her passing, I found myself talking for what seemed like hours, my feelings were to bring her up to speed on me and to share that her baby had grown up, and the experience was so freeing that It kind of scared me, but in a genuinely good way. As I got back in my car and drove away, it was like a weight was lifted, and for a brief moment, it was like I had my Mom back in the capacity in which I had her in the physical during her time here on earth. The moment that had just transpired was very heavy, yet light, I was filled with gratitude, and I was flushed with memories of our life together, and I realized how blessed and fortunate that I was to have that abundance in my life.
Take time out to focus on the defying moments of your life, and zone into isolated memories that have brought you joy, bask in that thought exercise, and try to envision what made them great and with each experience, as you go forth think the unthinkable thought, of this may just be as good as it gets, because everything unique that has brought you to this point is a priceless memory that doesn't come with a monetary tag on it.
What Are You Doing With Your Life?
A stroll through the park walking with the one you love, instantly gives you such a warm fuzzy set of memories often to last you a lifetime. We travel through time like we're in a space odyssey. Most live a conservative life, and some live their life on the edge. I've always been a person who was young at heart, I think it has been a big plus for me, with the way that I view things, I could easily venture further and say that maturity came late for me, well more so responsibility came late. Taking risks has the greatest rewards when it works, but when the risk doesn't work you tumble, and the fall isn't so easy to rebound from. Growing up I wanted to always be viewed as the 'fun' guy. In your early twenties you're walking around with rose colored glasses, and the friendships, jobs, and love life, basically everything is new, you want to take on the world, you're gullible, as you embark on the many mistakes and wrong turns. The beauty of it all, is that mistakes can be corrected, wisdom comes with growth, and we're all better for having participated in every stage of the journey.
Life passes and we have to bask in the moment and be grateful for the life that we're afforded, as bad as it may seem at times, the better life is yours in comparison to other parts of the world. This week was my mother's birthday, I went to her burial place, as I placed flowers on her grave,I had such peace in freely talking to her in ways that I have never experienced since her passing, I found myself talking for what seemed like hours, my feelings were to bring her up to speed on me and to share that her baby had grown up, and the experience was so freeing that It kind of scared me, but in a genuinely good way. As I got back in my car and drove away, it was like a weight was lifted, and for a brief moment, it was like I had my Mom back in the capacity in which I had her in the physical during her time here on earth. The moment that had just transpired was very heavy, yet light, I was filled with gratitude, and I was flushed with memories of our life together, and I realized how blessed and fortunate that I was to have that abundance in my life.
Take time out to focus on the defying moments of your life, and zone into isolated memories that have brought you joy, bask in that thought exercise, and try to envision what made them great and with each experience, as you go forth think the unthinkable thought, of this may just be as good as it gets, because everything unique that has brought you to this point is a priceless memory that doesn't come with a monetary tag on it.
What Are You Doing With Your Life?
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Command Performance
This is one of my favorite songs by Destiny's Child, "Cater To You" wasn't a huge single for the ladies, but it was a very well delivered song, that showcased all three women. The video is sleek, stylish and delivers the goods in the wardrobe, hair and makeup department, and sexually it hit the spot bringing male candy on stage and freaking the hell out of some industry heavyweights. What I liked most about Destiny's Child as a group, they really understood their place in the Entertainment Industry and they rarely disappointed the expectation.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Happy 66Th Birthday Mother ....
I still can't believe that you're gone, it's been almost eleven years, but not a day goes by that I don't think of you, not a day goes by that I don't utilize some of your teachings, not a day goes by that I'm not missing you, not a day goes by do I ever forget the presence of your love for me, not a day goes by that I don't forget your loving smile, not a day goes by that I don't forget your scent, not a day goes by that I don't wish that I could see your face again in the physcial, and not a day goes by that I'm not loving you.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mother you will never be forgotten, though your time on earth was very shortlived, you did so much work and all that were lucky enough to be in your presence are forever grateful.
Hazel Caroline RIP 4/25/46 - 6/02/01
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Monday, April 23, 2012
Pop Culture .... Keeping It !00

Pop star Rita Ora graces the latest issue of London’s Notion magazine Love issue to talk about her rise to fame and signing with Jay-Z’s Roc Nation. Like her inner arm tattoo? (Keeping It 100)Rihanna pissed off Hova, by reconnecting with Chris 'Breezy' Brown, so may Rihanna's days are numbered.
Comedian Steve Harvey's "Think Like A Man" opened in the #1 Slot at the Box Office, raking in an estimated 33 million dollars.(Keeping It 100)Though I'm happy for the 30 million dollar opening, Hollywood doesn't have a pulse on our culture. Personally Steve Harvey couldn't dictate nothing that would concern my life, but again, that's just me. Congrats to the cast on it's successful opening.
The man accused of murdering Jennifer Hudson's mother, brother and nephew goes on trial today. William Balfour stands accused of the slaughter, and prosecutors believe the trigger for the carnage was a balloon gift for Julia Hudson, Balfour's ex and Jennifer's sister. Prosecutors say Balfour thought the gift was from Julia's new boyfriend and it sent him into a blind rage.
Opening statements are set for today.(Keeping It 100)Jennifer jealous sister, was always a little suspect to me. I can't help be feeling that drugs and blackmail, led up to this moment. Such a sad tragic ending.
Kanye West has a new girlfriend and she's a porn star who made a video of her getting is smashed by singer R.J., and she use date footballer Reggie Bush. (Keep It 100)I couldn't date a porn star, especially one who basically f*cks for publicity in Hollywood. How much bliss could their possibly be. Lastly I think Kanye is still in morning over the loss of his mother, that bruh hasn't been the same since.
Glee will do a tribute to Pop Legend Whitney Houston on tomorrow's episode. (Keeping It 100)That's smart money, Whitney deserves all the accolades.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Sunday's at my house .... John 14
Growing up as a child, John 14 was one of my favorite passages taught in my home by my Mother, and it's one that has stuck with me through the years.
John 14: “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God[a]; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.”
John 14: “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God[a]; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.”
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Friday, April 20, 2012
Happy Friday Everyone,
Your first thought is generally the right perception to keep. Clarity is a wonderful thing. We all have our on hypothesis for various reasons that things transpires in our life. When one is clear and centered, nothing can be blocked. Being open to receive all that is rightfully meant for you has nothing to do with a wishful thought from you. To hold steady and on course is allowing your body, spirit and mind to focus on what's told to you to be believed impossible. The structure and design for your life is focus it's your blueprint, and distraction is easily available. Remember paying attention costs you nothing, and saves you from much nonesense.
Our walk is rhythmic, Our thoughts provoke, Our connections conquer, not divide. Words are very lasting and cutting, be very mindful about your exchange, you never know how impactful what you give to others, so it's very important that your words are well intended, to be receptive to the person that you are engaging in dialogue.
What Are You Doing With Your Life?
Your first thought is generally the right perception to keep. Clarity is a wonderful thing. We all have our on hypothesis for various reasons that things transpires in our life. When one is clear and centered, nothing can be blocked. Being open to receive all that is rightfully meant for you has nothing to do with a wishful thought from you. To hold steady and on course is allowing your body, spirit and mind to focus on what's told to you to be believed impossible. The structure and design for your life is focus it's your blueprint, and distraction is easily available. Remember paying attention costs you nothing, and saves you from much nonesense.
Our walk is rhythmic, Our thoughts provoke, Our connections conquer, not divide. Words are very lasting and cutting, be very mindful about your exchange, you never know how impactful what you give to others, so it's very important that your words are well intended, to be receptive to the person that you are engaging in dialogue.
What Are You Doing With Your Life?
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Command Performance
Christina Aguilera and Adam Levine makes it look too easy. This performance was at the AMA in 2011. Both artist were hungry for something fresh and new, a different kind of creativity, as both have experienced lulls in their record sales. Their voices are a perfect match made in heaven and they pay homage to a Rock n Roll King Mick Jagger, and we the audience were fortunate enough to witness the pairing of two great artists, whose careers have peaked, but nonetheless are timeless talents.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
SWV .... after 15 years THEY'RE BACK

Coko, Lee Lee and Taj collectively known as SWV(Sisters With Voices)are BACK and I mean back in a BIG way. The trio had three successfully platinum and multi-platinum CD's then ego's come into place and eventually they went their separate ways. Listen to the new "I Missed Us" disc, it's like no has passed. Their vocal harmonies are just as crisp, sharp and flowing like they always were.
Upon first listen, their CD is an instant classic, it captures are they things that made them the successful trio that they were known for, their vocalized stylings were the template for singing groups of their generation. This time around they are seasoned and you can hear the maturity that life lessons have taught them. The songs are very contemporary and catchy, easily able to compete in the current day's market place. When they exited the industry along with groups like En Vogue, a void was left, unfortunately in their 15 year absence, no other female singing group has captured their place, which makes the title of their CD all the more appropriate, we missed them and they missed singing together.

The CD is filled with full fledged SINGING, and loaded with noteworthy singles, like their current hit "Co-Sign", which will remind you of their classic "Right Here". Other soon to be classics are "All About You", "Show Off", "Do Ya", "Love Unconditionally" and the exquisite remake of Patti Labelle's classic "If Only You Knew" will help carry you through 2012. The SISTERS are back, and whenever true talent is in the arena, it's always welcomed, so welcome back ladies, your legacy in musical history continues.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Pop Culture ..... Keeping It !00!

Amber Rose sexxy must be off the hook, her claim to fame was 'doing' Kanye West, now she's with Rapper Wiz Khalifa. Before Amber met West, she was a stripper and admits to being bisexual. (keeping it 100) Rose is basically doing anything to come up and keep herself in the limelight.
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are FINALLY engaged. (keeping it 100) This news doesn't make me jump off my sofa. I feel like they're already married, and let's not forgot how their relationship got started. Hmmmm so congrats I think.
Despite officially filing for divorce from Jennifer Lopez on Monday, Marc Anthony actually may have wanted to get back together, But J. Lo decided to stay with new boyfriend Casper Smart instead.
Anthony was "blindsided" and "hurt" by Lopez's assertion that she is "madly in love" with Casper since he hadn't thought their relationship to be "so serious."(keeping it 100) Basically sounds like two 'immature' kids who married before they grew up.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Happy Sunday Everybody....
Growing up my Mom use to have a message on her answering service, that spoke "This is the day, that the Lord Hath made, we will rejoice and be glad in it". She has since passed on to glory, but I still can recall her voice saying those words, and to this day they, still resound in my heart spirit and mind. She was an Evangelist, and taught me so much about faith, so today I wanted to share that with you. God is all knowing, and you can talk to him whenever you choose. If you come to him with a humble heart, and are geniune and specific, he will give you the greatest joys. May God Bless Us All!
Friday, April 13, 2012
Jada and Will - Our Love Is Still Strong ....

For those of you wondering if these two were breaking up…Jada has set the record straight:
“Every year, a celebrity couple is on the radar. This year, unluckily, it’s us! I almost want to say that we should have been expecting it,” she told Gala France. “But Will and I know the truth. We are waiting peacefully for when the storm ends.”
“These rumors are completely untrue. I’m travelling a lot because of my work, as Will does. And the fact that I’m accompanying our daughter, Willow, on her trips, while Will spends time with our son, Jaden, doesn’t make things easier.”
“But our way of living hasn’t changed. Before the children, we were already away from each other quite often because of our work. In general, Will and I take two months of holiday, at the end of the year. Right after Thanksgiving, we shut down the curtain and nothing comes to bother our family life until January.”
My Take On This: Hollywood is a spinning wheel, and publicity be it good or bad is always a good thing for stars, because it keeps their names relevant. If It were me, having a solid marriage, I wouldn't dignify an explanation, but that's just me. At any rate, I'm rooting for you Will and Jada.
Secret Service Men .... What The Hell?I*^@#?
CARTAGENA, Colombia — A dozen Secret Service agents sent to Colombia to provide security for President Barack Obama at an international summit have been relieved of duty because of allegations of misconduct.
A caller who said he had knowledge of the situation told The Associated Press the misconduct involved prostitutes in Cartagena, site of the Summit of the Americas. A Secret Service spokesman did not dispute that.
A U.S. official, who was not authorized to speak publicly on the matter and requested anonymity, put the number of agents at 12. The agency was not releasing the number of personnel involved.
The Washington Post reported that Jon Adler, president of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association, said the accusations related to at least one agent having involvement with prostitutes in Cartagena. The association represents federal law enforcement officers, including the Secret Service.
Ronald Kessler, a former Post reporter and the author of a book about the Secret Service, told the Post that he had learned that 12 agents were involved, several of them married.
The incident threatened to overshadow Obama's economic and trade agenda at the summit and embarrass the U.S. The White House had no comment.
Secret Service spokesman Ed Donovan would not confirm that prostitution was involved, saying only that there had been "allegations of misconduct" made against Secret Service personnel in the Colombian port city hosting Obama and more than 30 world leaders.
Donovan said the allegations of misconduct were related to activity before the president's arrival Friday night.
Obama was attending a leaders' dinner Friday night at Cartagena's historic Spanish fortress. He was due to attend summit meetings with regional leaders Saturday and Sunday.
My take on this: Their job is to protect our President, not have shady dealings, I can't help but think if the President was Caucausian, would this kind of blatant disrepect have taken place?
A caller who said he had knowledge of the situation told The Associated Press the misconduct involved prostitutes in Cartagena, site of the Summit of the Americas. A Secret Service spokesman did not dispute that.
A U.S. official, who was not authorized to speak publicly on the matter and requested anonymity, put the number of agents at 12. The agency was not releasing the number of personnel involved.
The Washington Post reported that Jon Adler, president of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association, said the accusations related to at least one agent having involvement with prostitutes in Cartagena. The association represents federal law enforcement officers, including the Secret Service.
Ronald Kessler, a former Post reporter and the author of a book about the Secret Service, told the Post that he had learned that 12 agents were involved, several of them married.
The incident threatened to overshadow Obama's economic and trade agenda at the summit and embarrass the U.S. The White House had no comment.
Secret Service spokesman Ed Donovan would not confirm that prostitution was involved, saying only that there had been "allegations of misconduct" made against Secret Service personnel in the Colombian port city hosting Obama and more than 30 world leaders.
Donovan said the allegations of misconduct were related to activity before the president's arrival Friday night.
Obama was attending a leaders' dinner Friday night at Cartagena's historic Spanish fortress. He was due to attend summit meetings with regional leaders Saturday and Sunday.
My take on this: Their job is to protect our President, not have shady dealings, I can't help but think if the President was Caucausian, would this kind of blatant disrepect have taken place?
Happy Friday everyone,
You know the old saying that if you want to make God laugh, just tell him your plans. Plans are a good focus within the right prospective. If something is meant for you in your life, no matter the obstacles, it will happen for you. The struggle is in the waiting, and in the waiting your patience will be tested, in being tested you will be challenged. You must know beyond the shadow of a doubt, that God will give you no more than you can bear, and he doesn't make mistakes. You can view a disappointing event as a setback, you can not view it as a failure. In getting to your destination, directions and concepts are not always included, that's how your come to 'discovery'. A year ago, I embarked on a journey that I thought would be a simple quick process, not a journey where I would endure another lesson in patience, ironically enough in the wait, I've gain a tolerance in my patience, and astonishingly enough, I've survived issues, that I may never have wanted to face, and in doing so, my character remained in tack, and I've come away with my integrity to boot. What I have done is given God the glory, and when you're being who you're meant to be, amazingly things will fall in the order in which they were meant, not in the line of the way you had initially assumed. Again God does things on his own time and volition.
Faith is about a belief, in something you've never seen, but a strength in knowing that the unknown will always reveal all that is meant. Talk to God ask him for the desires of your heart, it may not happen when you want it to, but it will happen and it happens when your heart is genuine, ready and sincere. Transition means you're not stagnate, in waiting most times it's to hear and listen to what is being requested of you. The challenge is enduring through your belief. In a world where cruelty is a random act of kindness from some, a empty shell is a lonely worn out soul, if you allow them to steal your joy, they certainly will. Each day a prayer should always part your lips, when you do that you have a protective shield over you that will protect you from hurt, harm, fear and danger, when you're specific about your asking. Keep your eyes open, you'll be very surprised at what takes place.
What Are Your Doing With Your Life?
You know the old saying that if you want to make God laugh, just tell him your plans. Plans are a good focus within the right prospective. If something is meant for you in your life, no matter the obstacles, it will happen for you. The struggle is in the waiting, and in the waiting your patience will be tested, in being tested you will be challenged. You must know beyond the shadow of a doubt, that God will give you no more than you can bear, and he doesn't make mistakes. You can view a disappointing event as a setback, you can not view it as a failure. In getting to your destination, directions and concepts are not always included, that's how your come to 'discovery'. A year ago, I embarked on a journey that I thought would be a simple quick process, not a journey where I would endure another lesson in patience, ironically enough in the wait, I've gain a tolerance in my patience, and astonishingly enough, I've survived issues, that I may never have wanted to face, and in doing so, my character remained in tack, and I've come away with my integrity to boot. What I have done is given God the glory, and when you're being who you're meant to be, amazingly things will fall in the order in which they were meant, not in the line of the way you had initially assumed. Again God does things on his own time and volition.
Faith is about a belief, in something you've never seen, but a strength in knowing that the unknown will always reveal all that is meant. Talk to God ask him for the desires of your heart, it may not happen when you want it to, but it will happen and it happens when your heart is genuine, ready and sincere. Transition means you're not stagnate, in waiting most times it's to hear and listen to what is being requested of you. The challenge is enduring through your belief. In a world where cruelty is a random act of kindness from some, a empty shell is a lonely worn out soul, if you allow them to steal your joy, they certainly will. Each day a prayer should always part your lips, when you do that you have a protective shield over you that will protect you from hurt, harm, fear and danger, when you're specific about your asking. Keep your eyes open, you'll be very surprised at what takes place.
What Are Your Doing With Your Life?
Thursday, April 12, 2012
They Are Coming Back .....

The Internship is sure to be another great comedy film set to star Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn as two friends who lose their jobs as sales consultants and decide to take an internship at a high tech corporation for some new experiences. The film begins shooting this summer.
Some are calling the film the unofficial sequel to Wedding Crashers – the last film the two starred in together.
Command Performance
This is a lovely stripped down moving performance by Alicia Keys, as she salutes the legendary Whitney Houston at her Home going. It's evident that Keys was moved to tears, and her painful emotion was clear, which made this performance all the more moving. When honest emotions come from the heart, it captures the purity of a true artist in their complete element. Very well done Alicia, and there wasn't a die eye in the house. I'm sure that Whitney was smiling down from the heavens.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Always Be My Baby ...

Dearest Whitney:
Today marks 60 days since you made your transition on to a greater place, a new home where you're finally able to rest in peace without ridicule, without judgement. The media loves your story, because it's a great ratings boost, not that they ever really cared about you, just loved the fact that they could talk about you. It baffles me how some two months later, it's still the story of 'why' or 'how' ..... the pain is that your gone, and the masses, myself included truly misses you, and will never forget you, and the legacy that you've left us with, and when it all boils down, thats what matters most. Rest Easy Whitney~
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Happy Resurrection Day....
Happy Easter Sunday everyone,
Renewal , Rebirth and Replenishment ....Happy Resurrection Day ..... “resurrection,” literally means “a standing up again” and it refers to a rising up from death. The fuller expression “resurrection of (from) the dead”.
It's a time to honor and be thankful for the life that God designed for us, a second chance to be better than we've been. Today is another time to reflect on those who have passed on, the ones who have impacted our lives. Today I remember my Mother Hazel C. my pops Preston, my two grandmothers Zilphia B. and Oleava K. Your teachings and beliefs have helped shaped me to be the man that I've grown into today.
Renewal , Rebirth and Replenishment ....Happy Resurrection Day ..... “resurrection,” literally means “a standing up again” and it refers to a rising up from death. The fuller expression “resurrection of (from) the dead”.
It's a time to honor and be thankful for the life that God designed for us, a second chance to be better than we've been. Today is another time to reflect on those who have passed on, the ones who have impacted our lives. Today I remember my Mother Hazel C. my pops Preston, my two grandmothers Zilphia B. and Oleava K. Your teachings and beliefs have helped shaped me to be the man that I've grown into today.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Willing To Cross/TGIF
You will be tried, you will be tested, in the midst of it all, let your truth be authentic. Be it addiction, affliction or circumstance we all have a Cross To Bear. Life will take you on a many journeyed roads, constantly revealing the many changes and sacrifices for your life and livelihood. What side you end up on depends on you, your faith and the strength that is held within. In getting to the better best of you depends on the direction you choose to take on your path. I will give you this bit of wisdom, to get to wherever your destination is won't be an easy road, theirs no shortcuts, its the streets of hard knocks that will reveal what your soul is made of. In your silence, when you think that no one is paying attention, will be your greatest tests. To thy own self you must be true, again in your truth you will be tried. Be sure to give what you would like to receive.
What Are You Doing With Your Life?
What Are You Doing With Your Life?
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Command Perfomance
Patti LaBelle and Mariah Carey, two of the best voices in the business came together to sing one of the greatest dance classics of all time, Cheryl Lynn's "Got To Be Real". This is what live performance is all about, true singing, nothing artificial.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
So Far Away .....

So Far Away .... Doesn't anybody stay in one place anymore, if would be so fine to see your face at my door. Long ago I reached for you and there you stood.
Holding you again could only do me good Oh, how I wish I could
But you're so far away .....#MissingYouWhitneyHouston
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