Monday, February 20, 2023

Is Don Lemon a Sexist??? 👀

Everything in the media with the ‘Me Too’ movement. It’s pretty much a ‘Be Careful’ of what you say culture. Don Lemon ALL eyes on are you. 

‘CNN anchor Don Lemon apologized to his colleagues on Friday over sexist remarks he made on the network's morning show about when women are "in their prime," telling staffers during the company's daily editorial meeting that he was sorry for offending them.

"I'm sorry that I said it," Lemon said. "And I certainly see why people found it completely misguided."

"When I make a mistake, I own it," Lemon added. "And I own this one as well."’

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Saturday, February 18, 2023

The Good Soldier ….

A true soldier ….Former President Jimmy Carter, always stands in his convictions and truly represents his own constitution.  **KK**

‘After a series of short hospital stays, former U.S. President Jimmy Carter today decided to spend his remaining time at home with his family and receive hospice care instead of additional medical intervention. He has the full support of his family and his medical team. The Carter family asks for privacy during this time and is grateful for the concern shown by his many admirers.’

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Life, It doesn’t get easier …

Praying for the Legendary Bruce Willis. Dementia is the long goodbye.  The sh*t hurts emotionally. My Grandmother experienced a similar diagnosis and some family members, took advantage of her, and ran through her bank accounts, claiming to care.  

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

VA - VA - VA - VOOM …

V A - V A - V A - V O O M #raquelwelch #goddess #beautiful #timeless #legacy #trailblazer #kevinknighton360 #restinpeace 

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Thursday, February 9, 2023

A Composing GOD … RIP

Rest In Peace Mr. Burt Bacharach. You’re musical legacy will forever live on!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Madonna … I get it!!!

Hollywood is never kind to the aging game. Madonna is the main topic of discussion, judging from her appearance at this years Grammys. The obvious plastic surgery was apparent. With that being said, what can’t be denied is her legacy, and the trends she help put forth. She’s a GLOBAL Superstar!

Monday, February 6, 2023

When NARAS When???

N A R A S - W T F - X P L A I N #beyonce has four Grammy #albumoftheyearnominations … when the ph*ck will we STOP trying to fit, into their #narrative? She’s the most celebrated artist, in their #history, but continues to be reduced,to #urban categories. Adele, Taylor Swift, Harry can make it over the hurdle … #naras continues, to be out of touch. It’s time that we boycott, stop showing up, STOP performing for them, STOP helping with their ratings. Clearly … we’re just the #entertainment. 100 years later #nothing has changed. #amerikkka get well soon. #icant #beyonce #thebeehive #jayz #destinyschild 

NARAS …. Wtf … wake up …

S T I L L - L E G E N D - I C O N …. #naras will probably never wake-up … #ChrisBrown has cranked out, hit after hit, for almost two decades. After the Rihanna violence … no one wants to move on, even-though SHE has. The rules will continue, to be different for ‘us’. Healing and forgiveness is necessary. We can’t continue to live in the past, yet some are most comfortable there, and that speaks to their relevance, or lack therefore. Brown is a #MEGAWATTAGESTAR, #Grammy be damned, you will and cannot direct his star traffic, he’s #highfrequency. He was robbed for the Beat r&b album, time and time again. His comment about #robertglasper was very unnecessary. Its just the brat in him. #goat #icon #genius #kevinknighton360 #onlyinamerikkka

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Thursday, February 2, 2023

STILL a R&B King … R. Kelly

I’ve NEVER been one, to follow the masses. I think fully for myself and I’m not easily led. R.Kelly has some major struggles, and fair-weather folks, will stray. 

However your opinion of him, fact remains, his legacy of music, will continue to play on, and is legend. 

Dosage is in the Truth …


The future is Clear …