Wednesday, November 6, 2024

America has SPOKEN ....

So AMERICA has SPOKEN. It clearly Hates WOMEN. Women hate Women. Blacks STILL do not know their worth.   It clearly LOVES Bigotry and Racism.  It's going to be a LONNNNNNNNNNNNG world.  Latinos clearly identify as WHITE.  The Border will be closed.  AMERICA will NEVER be the same.  It's all about dictatorship. Donald Trump will PARDON himself and the Insurrection Crew. AND the Freak Off Queen (Puffy Combs). Even with a 34 Count FELON has become America's 47th PRESIDENT. I will continue to be loyal to our constitution and democracy. I STILL have dreams. 
I'm dumbfounded.  America you must be so proud of yourself. 

I feel solace in the fact that I'm a California resident and I that I LOVE and RESPECT Women!!!

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Mr Greasy Thighs locked up FOREVER!!

 The cases keep piling up against the CREEPER.  

When it just Flows ....


November 5th ... we're counting on YOU!!!


One of my favorite People ...

Congratulations ... it was my privilege to witness your Special Day.  May GOD Bless your Union 

Halle Halle Halle Berry OURS ..


The Voice of Heaven ... RIP

James Earl Jones our true American Hero/Legend ... he was an Actor's Actor and one of the great ones from the 20th Century.  Jones also shared the birthday (January 17th) with my Late Grandmother Oleava

Mr. "DEPENDS" meet the next President ...


at 45 years old. Venus still got IT!!


Saturday, July 6, 2024

Damn Damn Damn


Happy (75th) Goddess

A - RAGING - BEAUTY #phyllishyman #happyheavenlybirthday #gonetoosoon💔 #unapologetic #gifted #gorgeous #hilarious #driven #conflicted I remember making the announcement of Hyman’s passing, on June 30, 1995.. I saw her at Kimballs East a few months prior to her death, she’s was Happy and being her Hilarious self.  A few days later, I saw her again, I offered to buy her breakfast, without missing a beat her reply was ‘are you going to treat my band too’ 👀 LOL It still saddens me, how some of the super talented ones,seldom get their due. That was always one of her frustrations. She was tired of fighting the industry and personal demons. On her second suicide attempt, she was successful. I still remember, her laughter, smile, beauty and the wonderful gift of voice, that she left us with. My Father battled the same struggles. I hope that both souls are at FINALLY at Peace. Happy Heavenly 75th Phyllis. #kevinknighton360

Friday, July 5, 2024

Another Nugget 💥

What is realized, is the world will change again.  You must come back, from all the whereabouts, that you have been. The struggle is constant.  In these ever-changing times. Thoughts on how we felt about one another, are most essentially important. Evil is lurking around every alley.  Character and Intention seem lost and unconcerned.

The mistakes are now character lines, with no flaws, just renewal replenishment.  Time is fleeting, things that once gave you comfort and security, are no longer available. Your inner self must evolve, evolution is key. In the current state of the Universe, no one could prepare anyone for this. However, in the good book, it’s already written.  Shedding great light, on the adage of ‘living in our last days’., I say let’s make it our BEST DAYS!! 
As a child, I felt that only applied to elders, today I sit, in the knowledge that I’m growing into an ‘elder’.  Taking pride in that acknowledgment states the fact that you’re still here, trying to figure out the true meaning of ‘Why’ and ‘How’. Uncertainty is valid and valuable, it keeps the focus in a driven force, where it needs to be. 
Perfection is a goal, rarely attained, but consistency is in deep pursuit. Looking into the mirror, owning the less than stellar characteristics, of self, is a divine beauty, flaws and all.  Looking back as years go by, the work is about due diligence and ownership. Admittance won’t break you, it will redefine you. Wounds heal, teaching on obstacles, that we overcome. 
Apologies happen for a reason, it’s growth. It’s all for the renaissance embodiment. 
Let’s GROW!!

What Are You Doing With Your Life?

Kevin Knighton’Callins

*** an amazing excerpt taken from the forthcoming ‘What Are You Doing With Your Life’ book.***

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Echo’s …. Echoing


ECHOES - ECHOING #abbielincoln #mikihoward #barabaramcnair Three sexy sirens seducing with their vocal prowess, beauty and simple sexual alluring ways. All roaming the earth at different times, but selling the same electricity. All achieving a certain level of fame, all deserving more.  Women, continue to be the pulse of the Universe, sadly never receiving the  respect and accolades that are their due. All three have remarkable independent stories, to share and tell. Their charm, wit, keeps all invigorated every time the needle drops. Giving Flowers, where they are due. To say Thank-You, to these Ladies is simply not enough. Please honor their legacy while two are in the past, one is present. ALL have a wonderful  intriguing catalog, to be desired. #kevinknighton360 #jazz #pop #gospel #acting  #vocalist

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Gimme a Beat …

 I’ll see You In July Ms. Jackson … let’s FLOW!!!

#kevinknighton360 #kevinashleknighton #Janetjackson

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

One of the greatest Voices

 #rahsaanpatterson #kevinknighton360 #kevinashleknighton #kidsincorporated #peoplemagazine #vocalist #survivor