Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Happy Birthday Ms. Supreme

Happy (81) Birthday Lady Di - Diana Ross. Style, Class, Elegance, Royalty, Fishioniata #Mogul #survivor #icon #legend #happybirthday #kevinknighton #81 #dianaross #dianarossandthesupremes #TheSupremes

Teddy Bear - K I N G

Happy Birthday Teddy Pemsergrass. An unparalleled Legacy!

#teddypemdergrass #phillysoul #happybirthday #gonetoosoon #HaroldMelvinandTheBlueNotes #kevinknighton360

Monday, March 24, 2025

Jessica Chastain

 Happy Birthday gorgeous! Jessica ‘Cool Ass’ Chastain

#thehelp #jessicachastain #sacramento #tammyfayebakker

Sunday, March 23, 2025

If GOD is Real...

#dwumpt #hitler #devil #felon #fraud #racist #jackade #petty #donaldteump

C H A K A - 72 - K H A N


The One and ONLY Chaka Khan. This Aries firecracker is 71 years young, and just as timeless as ever. You can catch Khan on the QUEENS Tour with #GladysKnight #pattilabelle and #stephaniemills. #chakakhan#grammywinner ##icon #woke

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Breezin - George Benson

 Happy (82) Birthday to the Legendary George Benson

68 - Happy Gifted Day

Happy BIRTHDAY (68) to the Iconic Legendary Stephanie Mills. A Grammy, Tony, Soul Train and American Music Awards winner. Her career has spanned over 50 plus years. She’s STILL going strong. Catch Mills, on the QUEENS tour featuring, Gladys Knight, Patti LaBelle, and Chaka Khan.

#StephanieMills #HappyBirthday #queensTour #thewiz #dorothy #home #unapologetic #kevinknighton360 #gladysknight #chakakhan #pattiLaBelle

Thursday, March 20, 2025

ELONIA The Firestarter


The Forever Homie

Yay Area … it’s going to be a tremendous CELEBRATION of one of our OWN. As we say farewell to a true King D’Wayne Wiggins. His Legacy will Live On and On!

#dwaynewiggins #tonytonitone #bayarea #rip

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Why LORD Why ???

If the ‘Cruella DeVille’ 3rd Ward’ Tour, came to my living room, I wouldn’t attend. Actor and former husband Richard Lawson, narrowly escaped, Tina Knowles spawn. Truthfully, if she’s not attaching a weave job, to a tragic head, no interest would be given. Her plastic surgery is horrific and her off beat dancing is lacking. Simply because she is Beyoncé’ Knowles mother, all of sudden, she’s interesting. 🥱 NOT SO MUCH! This tour has me giving one of my favorites (Michelle Obama) the side eye. Why Lord Why??

Sunday, March 16, 2025

The Wicked


Josh Shapiro has my Vote

The Democratic Party, needs a tremendous makeover. Josh Shapiro, of Pennsylvania, has my Vote.

Say What You Want…

Media Personality Wendy Williams hasn't been fully in control of her ‘mental’ state, since she found out her husband (Kelvin Hunter) Fathered another child, outside of their marriage. Her life spiraled out of control and hasn't been the same since. The former talk-show host, who once ridiculed the Legendary Whitney Houston, for her drug addiction, basically faced those same demons, and those battles are ongoing. Williams of late, is on a campaign to prove her senility, taking cognitive tests, and from all accounts, being told, she has passed them. Again, ‘Say What You Want’. The queen of eloquation conversation, would ‘never’ use ‘You know what I saying’ in her English vernacular. Most would want to challenge my next statement, yet I'll stand on the mountaintop and repeat it. Her world was MUCH better, when her ex-husband Kelvin Hunter, was manning the ship. Certain media shows. As Power 106 (The Breakfast Club), TMZ, and The View continue to spin the narrative, that all Is well, when it really isn't.  I don't necessarily feel her conservativeship, is the best remedy for Williams.  However, assistance from somewhere, is greatly needed. Williams is a mere fraction, of her former self, which an intriguing conversationalist.  She was a trailblazer. Remember it was Williams, who exposed, Sean ‘Puff Daddy’ Combs, for the MONSTER, that he truly is. Williams reported that story over 25 years ago. I join the #SaveWendyWilliams campaign.

#wendywilliams #kelvinHunter #thewendywilliamashow #theBreakfastClub #chalamagnethagod #theview #tmz #kevinknighton360 #seancombs #puffdaddy #sidsyDIDIt #whitneyhouston #mentalhealth #karma #hottopics

Always Be my Baby...


Ciara’s Spawn


Tuesday, March 11, 2025

August 23 - 2025

#comfortzone #blackout #reunion #nightbyknightproductions

#harpercallinsLLC #bayarea #itsavibe #kevinknighton360

Monday, March 10, 2025

Her GENIUS - Fly Away

 REST ON POWER - Ms Roberta ‘Woke’ Flack

Forever a ‘Real’ One ..

The VERY special ones, arent really here, for very long. Pattie Ann, you were always an Angel, for and to me, and that’s what you, will forever remain, to me, an ANGEL!! I miss you, with my whole Heart.  Two Year Anniversary 😭 


Iconic Legacy


Saturday, March 8, 2025

I'm so In The House - Coco


A Tragic Destiny …

The weakest link? In the Destiny’s Child quartet, is former member Latavia Roberson.  Often times, we don’t really get the back story, as to the ‘why’ or  ‘how’. 

Beyoncé Knowles, has soared to amazing heights, Kelly Rowland is a star in her own right and LeToya Luckett, has scored a #1 Pop album as well a starred  and produced movies. Karma seemed to be on these three ladies side. Then we have the fourth wheel Latavia, we got to see a tiny glimpse of her attempts to claw her way back into the limelight, though it was ‘very’ dem. The dismissed member of Destiny’s Child, appeared briefly on  TV One’s low rated, reality show ‘R and B’ Divas, which consisted of, up and comers, struggling, to find their way and their audience.  Roberson, was an odd addition, while the aforementioned lacked  record sales success, with the exception of Latocha Scott, from the singing group Xscape. All of the women could really belt out a song. So again, I pondered why was Roberson chosen? Her attitude was bad, her vocals were lacking, at best. 

Recently she was scheduled to make a Charitable appearance, at a Mardi Gras event in Lake Charles, La, as the Queen of the Parade event. Again, it was for Charity helping underage urban children. She accepted her fee deposit, did a quick promo reel. Then NOTHING, when the Promoter contacted her, and management, about her scheduled committed appearance, things quickly went left.  A few heated vague unprofessional emails, went back and forth, when Roberson, was finally reached via phone conversation, her only reply was, I’ll see you in court.  Well let the cameras roll, we got our eyes on YOU!!

#lataviaroberson #flaker #destinyschild #mardigras #kreweofBridge #brokenpromises #unfulfilleddestiny

Friday, March 7, 2025

Rest In Peace

Oakland Bay Area’s Own. One of the Homie’s. Dwayne Wiggins, of Tony! Toni! Tone’ … it always ‘Felt Good’, you always had me believing that ‘It Never Rained In Southern California’, until it Did. 😂 

You will be missed. I always appreciated your support of my ‘Comfort Zone’ productions. Whenever you came through, it was always a groove. Take Flight KING. Your work is done here on earth.  Rest In Power!