Word on the street is that horrific looking and talent lacking Lady GAG, (yeah I said it), is wanting to pull out of the tour co-headlining with Rapper big mouth Kanye West. Wake up Gaga, you'll never possess the talent that West possesses, and despite his stupidity on the VMA's, his talent will be here, you on the other hand NOT SO MUCH!! Also while on the subject, if MTV weren't so cheap, they would have hired property security.
Late night Talk Show host Jimmy Kimmel and his on again off again girlfriend Sarah Silverman, supposedly have a sex tape. YAWN...for some reason I'm not excited, so I'll pass!! Now Pamela Anderson, THAT was a sex tape worth the money. The girl got mad skills, K.Kardashian, you could watch and learn some things.
Tickets are selling out all over the world for Michael Jackson the King of Pop's 'This Is It' movie. I'm not sure how to feel about that, I think it's just another ploy for the media to try to belittle his legacy and his life. Let the man rest in peace....ENOUGH ALREADY!!
Sean POOFY Combs is taking his Bad Boy records imprint to Interscope records, for the last few years he was with Warner Brothers. I really dont care about what he does, his energy and staple of late is very LACKLUSTER. Day 26 and Danity Cane, sounds pretty 'how you doin' if you ask me. His poor spineless girlfriend Kim Porter and his boring, no singing *ss jumpoff Cassie, it's all a trainwreck, and POOFY is the conducter, at the end of the day, we 'in' the know, are fully aware of his true talents ewww.
Things I don't get Amber Rose, Mr. West basically found a gold digger lesbian, and she's milking her 15 minutes for everything it's worth, I'm not mad or hating on her, but I don't find her to be appealing, whenever I look at her, I can't help but thinking about mars, jupiter, pluto....hopefully she'll find her way back to her family.
I slso don't get Laker Basketball star Lamar Odom and the thick Kardashian's marriage. He's known her for 30 minutes...only in HOLLYWEIRD.
The 'I can see Russia from my window' rocket scientist Sarah Palin is releasing her 'Going Rogue' autobiography for the holiday season. I can't help but think it's going to be a paint by numbers or a curious george set. She is sexxy tho, and gave good fodder for the election, all I could think of when I saw her, was damn she must be good in bed, with all those kids, I guess I'm NOT the only one who shares that opinion.
Trainwreck Rihanna is trying to get it in with singer Justin Timberlake...hey JT, one suggestion for you ..... RUN FORREST RUN!!!
Is it just me? I don't see what Janet Jackson ever saw in that little turtle Jermaine Dupri, guess it's try what they say, 'Love IS Blind'.
So model Tyson, said that if he were gay 'IF' OMG, that's a oxymoron within itself, he would get it in with President Obama. LAWD helps us all!!
Remember to every rumor, there's a certain bit of truth to it.
Hey Oprah, Dave Letterman, Wendy Williams and Ellen..