Put the drink DOWN actor David Hasselhoff!!!! On Friday police were called to his house once again for the usual 4 gallon drink minimum. Naw seriously ole boy had a seizure and was rushed to the hospital. Is this the ULTIMATE cry for help? We've all seen this story before, unfortunately we all know how it ends:(
ABC brass over at GMA is still having issues with Adam Lambert's kissing a boy on the American Music Awards. I don't why, he's a obvious homo lover friend type of guy. He never denied that, and for a while America was eating it up. Go figure right, well GMA still has their panties in a bunch, so Lambert's concert performance has been cancelled and in to save the day, here comes Chris Breezy to save the day, not only will he perform, but he's going to shed some light on his version of what went down with him and RiRi. Truthfully I'm sick of both of them. Let's get back to the music.
Ms. Seasbiscuit herself Beyonce' Knowles television special "I Am Yours" aired on Thanksgiving night, was whack and didn't reveal anything new, just a waste of time, and if I hear that dumb ass "Single Ladies" song one more time....OMG I'm Just Saying.. less Uh Oh's and more OOH NO's. That song is a drag queens anthem!! Suddenly it all makes sense.

COUPLE ALERT!!!! COUPLE ALERT!!!! Now hear this according to the NY Post. Poofy and Camel shared a MEMORABLE EVENING together in a "Private Couples" room. Here's their report: Diddy and Jay-Z checked out CV Lounge's private couples room, which owner Matthew Isaacs rents out for $5,000 a night. The space is outfitted with padded walls and a couch, eight ounces of beluga caviar and a magnum of champagne. There don't seem to be specific rules on what can go on in there, but sources say Diddy and Jay-Z "relaxed and shared a drink while listening to the music." Isn't that romantic....I'm JUST Saying...the music is playing and they're dipping and dropping and getting "IT" in!!!
Oh Damn.....say it isn't so!! Longtime A-list sweethearts Jake Gyllenhaal and Reese Witherspoon, relationship appears to be over. That's what happens when you create a relationship for good PR work. It was doom from the start, but reps for the actress say the rumor is false! I believe it's true....oh Jakey boy was missing his brokeback days.
At the Box Office 'New Moon' Still Has Bite With $42.5M Weekend, Sandra Bullock's "Blind Side" was a close second racking in over 40Million dollars.
The Secret Service need to have their *SS whupped, and if that couple were black, they would not have gotten passed the White House Gate....and THAT's ALL I'm Saying. President Obama needs to fire all of their trifling *SSes.
The Queen of Hip Hop soul Mary J. Blige new album cover for Stronger With Each Tear, due out Dec. 22nd. I gotta admit that Mary is looking pretty damn good, so sad for K-Ci, Case and her former drug dealers. Blige is on the right path. Now if we could just teach her some new dance moves...

Remember to every rumor, there's a certain bit of truth to it.
Hey Oprah, Dave Letterman, Wendy Williams and Ellen..