Monday, February 11, 2019

I Can't Get Over You .... Still MIssing You

L O V E - N O - L I M I T - Whitney Elisbeth Houston, the Love was everything from day one.  I played her records, saw her LIVE shows.  I lived day in day out, with an unconditional love and adoration. Recorded televisions appearances, press conferences, movie premieres.  You name it, I was there.  The spotlight, the glitz, fame, glitter etc.., The Entertainment Industry, your life no longer your own.  The same public that supported you, is the same public that lived to destroy you.  It’s the feast of famine world, of Entertainment, always demanding more than the cd, concert ticket or movie ticket cost.  The Love has limits, and rightfully so.  On Feb 11, 2011 for me a part of music ended.  I always have my phone on silent, always!  At some point during this day, I happened to look at my phone and saw missed calls from nearly EVERYONE in my phone, sometimes multiples calls.  I didn’t know what the hell was going on, some 30 plus year friends, names, old enemies names, new friends, industry friends, colleagues ... ALL called, concerned, about my well being, trying to make sure that I wasnt about to jump, of the ledge, that’s how it went down.  

When I listened to the first vm, it said mailbox FULL, then came the heartbreak, the anger and the denial.  Whitney who courageously fought, to win, on her own terms, had quietly checked out.  So unfair, for a little girl, who just wanted to sing, work her gig and have love, adoration, respect, from those who mattered most to her, all those things should have been attainable, she wanted those things, and yet, she didn’t have them, well not in the way that was deserving of her. The day the 🎶 as I had come to know, depend on, would no longer grace my warmest memories.  No new Music, no new concerts, no new movies ... SILENCE.  Whitney’s voice and radiant smile, provided a comfort for this only child, for over 30 years, what a faithful lovely ride.  Today marks the seventh year of her passing.  Truthfully, I have yet to fully process it, nor accept it.  Wherever life goes, and whatever is next, in this realm.  The peace, love and acceptance, I pray that it has come to her, wherever she is, however she is.  Thanks Nippy for the memories, it was a wonderful ride. MISSING U
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