Friday, May 10, 2013


Happy Friday everyone, ... Lets Talk about It!

I stand in the midst of the storm where conflict and struggles continue to agonize me. My walk have never been perfect, and though apologies are few. I remain a child of God, so with that said realize that your walk, your realizations are examined on an individual basis. My journey has taught me that not everyone can handle the truth, nor can they handle observations, generally because the truth is often a hard pill to swallow. To recognize our differences, is one of the sweetest victories, speak your peace, and be prepared for the rebuttal, most of the time it will be hostile or defensive. Christians and Bible thumpers, talk one way and walk the other. Today I can sit here and place blame on the Sun for not always shining brightly, but then turn right around and contradict myself when its beaming down, Isn't it amazing how that works? Life and the exchanges that we're greeted with, has never promised sun filled days in rose gardens, rain, dismay and turbulence are all a part too. My approach to life has always been to learn as much as I possibly can, to find a light in the darkness, to question everything that doesn't make sense to me. If I have managed to make solid connections in my walk, or enlightened a lost soul, I can say that its the purpose our Master teaches us, that not everyone is here to walk with you, or talk with you, so when Ive pressed through to greater understandings than Ive ever known, its a part of my mission statement, my reason for 'being' and truthfully Im a vessel to spread the word, and not being disgruntled  to those who may disagree.

OPTION you can choose which side of the street you walk on, if you don't like something or someone who is walking in your direction, cross the street, today that is your choice and right to exercise that decision. Please stop with the excuses as to the what, why and how things didn't go just the way you planned, because its all purposeful, masterful and in clarity, storms were a part of your cleanse!

What Are You Doing With Your Life? 

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