Friday, December 19, 2008

Harvest Time/TGIF

Hello All,
It's harvest time. I was talking to a close friend last weekend, she and I were catching up. The irony is that, we live less than five miles from one another. As life happens we constantly get caught up in the hustle and bustle of day to day LIFE. The pace of the world keeps moving faster and faster. Most people don't know how to be 'still'. When I say 'still' we don't take the time to acknowledge the good things that we're truly thankful/grateful for.

We're our worst critics, which I think is a good thing. If you always have a goal to obtain, the hunger for better things is accomplished. Complacency isn't on the face of a winner. Harvest time is about lending a helping hand, to those who are in need, who may have lost 'their' way,It's time to extend your hand to your fellow man. Being 'still' gives time to really observe and focus. Good seeds, need to continue to plant more seeds, trite as it may sound, if a simple plan like that is executed, the crop of our lives will be enriched.

It's Harvest time, and in that spirit....I'd like to challenge each of you to take inventory of your crop. Acknowledge GOD's presence in all that you do. Let's connect!

Happy Friday

Merry Christmas All,

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