Friday, October 29, 2010

Blind Eye/TGIF

Happy Friday....
Life teaches you to pay attention to the lessons learned and wherever you go, if you take notice you can bring good to all connections whether it's to enlighten are to give courage, strength and hope. Some would say that minding one's business is the Godly way and I would say that when you acknowledge the presence of God in your life, that's the Godly way. We're braggadocios about the other good in our life, shouldn't the same rules apply when giving honor and glory?

Turning a blind eye when your witness poverty, hatred, homelessness or abuse. Pretending not to notice makes you just as guilty as the parties involved. Being a good neighbor is knowing when to stand up against all the odds, when others see but say nothing, being the one to walk out on faith. Having blinders on in your life, says that you refuse to be accountable for things of change, pro activity is there for you to rewrite history, it's happens everyday. We should be cognizant of the treatment of others, if you want to know what neglect looks like, you don't have to look very far, it's on your television screen, it's the face of the homeless, it's the neglected child it's in the face of the abused.

The eyes are always watching, the irony is which matters they choose to address, if it's not happening in the home of the elite, it's swept under the rug, luckily karma doesn't exclude anyone, as you continue to live, life surely teaches you that what you reap is surely what you'll sow. It's time for us to take our blinders off and move forward. That lovely thing call time, is always the reminder that not matter what, it's going to keep right on ticking.

What Are You Doing With Your Life?


  1. hey Kev, how are ya?! has there been a new change in your life, or is this just another layer your tellin . . .like it, muy importante to care about one another, yeah, and what goes around DOES come around!so,tread powerfully and peacefully thru Christ -MB

  2. do you mean, what you sew, you will reap? oops,sorry for the correction, but, it's the farmer in me that knows the diff

  3. I think I'm going to keep on my blinders. I'm tired of looking at ugly things. For real.

  4. I forgot just how much sense you can make, when you you choose to let others in your world. Wish you couldve been this way when we were together, but i could never get you to talk:(
