Friday, November 15, 2013


Happy Friday everyone, ... Let's Talk about It!

Having disingenuous people around who blow smoke to seem relevant is a flawed focus.  You can walk this journey alone and share the wisdom of your travels, no malice, just loving and forgiving.
The road is paved with speed-bumps and potholes the only thing you will not find is paved gold, however what is golden, is getting to the other side, that gold is your epiphany .  Anything learned is a gain, so as it is written a mistake becomes obsolete.  Your code of ethics tells who you really are, when its pure, its not hard to remain authentic.   Never let them see you sweat, is a nice cliche, but through the journey called life, adversity is the device that gets you through.  Show them your moxie, its okay, some days you have to brag a little to the world that you're here, with the things that invigorates you, it shows revitalization and inspiration.  When you feel good that vibe transpires in everything that you do and to everyone that you encounter.

Recently I went through what I viewed to be one of the most taxing things in my life.  The Devil is a liar.  Ive always known that if GOD be for you  ...  I was steadfast, not always an easy thing to do.
Being an only child was one of my weapons, as you see walking alone I was fully accustomed to.
Not everyone will stand with you, I found more stood against me, family became a foe, friends were few, everyone had opinions,  the security in people was a lost luxury,  I came out flawed, but
renewed and empowered.   I no longer see the world the same, I see it as it is.  The gist  of this story is 'fertile ground' people can fail you and themselves daily, you must know 'your' truth, then you can have the willingness to wake up and prepare yourself for the battle, whatever it is and wherever it takes you, after all you have the best traveling companion, who is always there when you call.

What Are You Doing With Your Life?



  1. Impressive! I woke up finding your tgif in my box THANKFULLY that glitch is over. Happy Friday

    1. You gave us all a big scare last week. Good 2 see u back in action.

  2. The 'nosey' in me loves it when you share intimate personal stories. It makes you seem more relatable and a perfwct God tyoe.
    Youre right ANYONE can fail you, including family. Im oraying for your well being.

  3. Hey mister ... FINALLY you are sharing personal business. Im impressed, today was a good day on you tgif. Im seeing flaws ... VERY nice.

    1. Personal is always nice because its relatable.

  4. Thank you sir. You are the shit. It admirable to iwn your truth.
    Happy Fruday!

  5. Happy Friday sexy man. I love reasing your works of art.

  6. Happy Happy Friday .... This was such a great piece this week.

  7. I want to know more. You know I always need to know more.

  8. Personal work is always needed. Ethics is showing true character. To stand strong means sacrificing and understanding.

  9. Meet me at Happy Hour, round one is on me:-)

  10. You need to write a book or short films. You intriqie me.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  11. Good stuff. Enjoy your weekend

  12. Just checking to say hello and to thank you for your efforts.

  13. I love it!! Masterful.
