Friday, March 14, 2014


Happy Friday everyone, ... Let's Talk about It!!

Telling the truth and being honest, doesn't necessarily change the opinion of people, most choose to believe what they want to believe.  In an empty heart its easier to live it flawed, than healed.   Some matters take time and some things longer than others.  What is designed for you, has already been written, its just a matter of realization, of the tools that you're given.  Deception comes in all forms, evil can rise from your family, friends and foes, shielding yourself is the protective armor that is dutifully needed.  Masking is a professional art, hiding the pain and disappointment takes much work, far more energy than its worth.  Reward yourself in knowing who dwells in the most high.  

The triumphs come when you walk in tune with our Father's words and the mission that you're task to complete.   Its more than receiving, the notion is about what is deserved, and freely given.  Life is a Journey, not a destination, there are no mistakes, hiccups are tossed in, that challenge your faith.  Fundamentals are the key factor of travel and exploration, shapes and patterns are intricate details in getting to all that is Heavenly.   Prolonging the inevitable is more circumstantial than consequential, understanding the aftermath is the right passage, to your atonement.

What Are You Doing With Your life?

It 'aint' for everybody .... 


  1. Thank u sir. I had a really hard time posting this message. You might want to do maintenance on your site.

  2. Dang Ive been trying to post for two days. I have some questions for you.

  3. Thanks for this one. Very good stock!
