Friday, March 21, 2014


Happy Friday everyone, ... Let's Talk 
about It!!!

We're in the world to be a proactive participant, Its not something to take lightly, legacy and impact, should be the things left behind, long after we have transitioned.  Ever notice how many are quick to give their advice and opinions on the choices that you make, but are very silent in stating the direction of their quest, simply because they end up on hypocritical lane, with similar neighbors.  We must walk in absolute, and in that walk, it was never meant to be a bed of roses, thorns are meaningful too.  Don't believe me; keep living.   Whatever your secrets are, if you share them, no matter how good or bad, the foe has nowhere to go, quickly they dissipate.   Judgement comes from GOD, so whatever shames you, he already knows your complete story for beginning to end.

We all know people who love to hear the sound of their own voice and are their biggest cheerleaders, but lack discernment and the ability to be quiet and listen.  Most of those type of people, are often afraid of their own company.  Silence is a very revealing key, to what we can witness and is illustrated.  So many questions and no easy answers.  Its all a part of of defining your reasons to be, to exist, to participate.  Its a gallant walk, you must play it big, and enjoy every moment that's allowed of existence.  Many of us are guilty, of expectation, and assumption, how pompous of we humans.  Gratitude can be a very sexy attribute to possess.  

What Are You Doing With Your Life?


All things are possible ...


  1. Its a beautiful read Kevin. Love the picture AND music!!

  2. Great day to you Kev'. You live in the now. I appreciate your approach to your readers, to be bigger in life and to not sweet things that we cannot control.


  3. Words specifically for me to hear today. Thank you!

  4. Happy Friday Mister Man. Thanks for this one.
