Sunday, October 23, 2016

Let love Rule

Lenny Kravitz revealed a lot about his parents’ marriage in an interview with The Telegraph. For those who didn’t know, his mother is the late actress, Roxie Roker, best known for her role as “Helen Willis” on “The Jeffersons” and his father, Sy Kravitz, was a TV executive for NBC back in the day. Lenny detailed what it was like watching his Mom deal with his Pops’ cheating ways when she was at the height of her career on “The Jeffersons”…and let’s just say that Roxie was no “Helen” and Sy was no “Tom” in real life…

Lenny describes the incidents that oftentimes went down when his Pops got caught with his hands in another cookie jar so to speak. And sometimes Lenny was smack dab in the middle of it ...

Turns out our beloved Roxie Roker had some gangsta chick in her, bless her soul. In other words, she didn't just sit around and quietly accept her man's cheating ways, she confronted him and his mistresses (yes, mistresses as in many) head on. This was all while we were watching her on "The Jeffersons":
"When he was 20, Kravitz became aware of some of his father’s secret lives and alerted his mother. "I brought it into the light," he says. "It was quite intense and heartbreaking. But she knew about things all my life that I didn’t know about. She would tell me stories about having me in her arms – it reminds me of the scene in Goodfellas – and she’d go to another woman’s apartment and ring the bell: “Tell him he has to come down. Stuff like that." Soon afterwards, his parents split up.  
Lenny Kravitz also revealed how he believed his Dad was a tad bit jealous of his and Roxie's success. Although he had success of his own:

"His wife and son ended up being that thing that he wanted to be. I could understand what it was with other women, because he felt he needed to be The Man. Although he already was the man, and my mother treated him as the man. But in a superficial world, she was the star, and he was not." 
'My dad was a sergeant, a Green Beret – the most hardcore, above the Marines. He was a very hard man.’ He fought in Korea, as did his younger brother, Leonard. Sy came home alive. Leonard did not. 'He got blamed for that. His parents. Just the fact that his little brother followed him to war.’ That blame hadn’t eased by the time Sy married Lenny’s mother – 'there wasn’t a white person at the wedding,’ Kravitz says. 'And I had a great relationship with my Jewish relatives, and I knew nothing of this until I got older.’

Lenny had long been trying to get his Father to explain to him why he constantly cheated on his Mother and Sy would always brush him off. Even when Roxie forced Sy to explain to a then young Lenny why he cheated by asking him, "What do you have to say to your son?," Lenny said his Dad just looked at him and said "You'll do it too" then walked out of their house. He was broken up.

But it wasn't until after many years passed, Roxie sadly died, many platinum record sales and millions of dollars earned by Lenny, that Sy lay on his deathbed and had both a terrifying vision and a revelation:

"I had turned my apartment into a hospital, basically. I had the nurse living there… My mother taught me to respect my father and to love and take care of him, regardless of what he’d done. She’d always quote the Bible: it says, 'Honor thy mother and thy father.' And it doesn’t say 'unless…,' 'except…,' or 'if….' That’s what it says and that’s what your job is to do. And I had a hard time with it, but I did it."

 [...] "He was in his bed one night and he looked at me, and he wasn’t on drugs, and he said to me, 'There are these things flying around my bed, and these things crawling on the floor.' I said, 'What are you talking about?' This is from my dad. He doesn’t do with any kind of spiritual thing. No heebie-jeebie kind of thing. And he’s, 'There’s black-winged things and they’re flying around my bed… the things that are crawling on the ground, they look like they’re rats and they’re not… I see them.' I didn’t quite know how to take it. And he then began having this revelation and he accepted Christ – this is a non-religious Jewish man – and somehow the spirit world opened up to him. Almost like he had spiritually been bound his whole life and now this thing was released."

After this spiritual experience,"He apologized to us in the most sincere, heartfelt manner. 'I am sorry for what I’ve done, how I’ve been, how I’ve treated you, and I love you.' Real. And it was shocking… And what he said to me is that he always wanted to change his life, and he felt there was this thing on his back and he couldn’t get it off. His whole life, he knew inside himself that he wanted to change. But, he said, "I couldn’t.'?"

"As he got closer to his death, another night in the hospital, he was really tired and he looked over at me and he goes, 'There’s angels all around the room. Because of Jesus.' And that was it. He turned and looked away. If you knew my dad – it was the furthest thing from him.[...] The last three weeks of his life was the best relationship I had with him. And it cancelled out the 40 years before," [said Lenny.]

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