Thursday, February 19, 2009

Women Hold Up The Sky!!

I wanted to address a topic that I love 'women'. The world could not function without them. If we're lucky, we have great relationships with our mothers. Some are not so lucky. I think of my mother ALL the time. Some of her teachings I hear LOUD AND CLEAR, now that she's no longer here in the physical.

I recently spoke at a Women's Cancer Society convention. For the few of you who aren't aware. My mother lost her battle to cancer some years ago. Upon hearing my mother's diagnosis, I tried to become superman. Naturally, I wanted to create a miracle. In the darkness, much light can be found if you really pay attention. Doctors never want to be proven wrong, so they tend to be very vague with information.

HMO's aren't what they should be. My mother had her yearly physical, and was given a clean bill of health in May. That December she was in stage 4 of Ovarian Cancer, which is the worst stage. If you ever find yourself in this situation, I emplore you to take notes during your doctors visits, have a tape recorder handy if possible. Also a great support team helps too.
There's a test called a CA125. It's a blood test that can detect Ovarian Cancer, which your normal yearly physicals can't. Its generally not covered by your insurance. It costs $250.00 but it's worth EVERY penny. With knowledge things can be prevented, and with proper information, it enables you to combat your battle. Please pass this information along.

Today lets give a hug to at least one female that you encounter, and pass the information and love on.

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