Friday, March 20, 2009


Happy Friday to everyone. Let's get it started. Recently a movie opened called 'He's Just Not That Into You'. It's about clueless people in search of love, happiness and fulfillment.
I like to think that GOD gives us signs. I believe if we listen to our gut or go with our instincts, we cant go wrong.

How amazing is it to get a sign. We all govern ourselves by signs everyday. Yet most of us, do not always take heed to life's warnings. Say for instance domestic abuse, if he or she hit you once, you'll get hit again. Your gut is a powerful tool, most people think with their heart, and therein lies the problem. Put self first, the rest will fall into place. Love is another gift, but do we take heed to the signs, when love goes wrong? How easy is it, for a stranger to tell you something about your life. Family will keep secrets. A simple thing like knowing whose your mother and father, is a gift. Some do not have that luxury, yet a distant neighbor may hold a powerful piece of information, like who really is your 'real' parent.

Some times when you feel incomplete, but you can't put the missing puzzle together, I say really investigate, where you come from, and how all the pieces fit into the puzzle. Again gut and instinct are powerful tools. Take for instance a one sided friendship, where you always the one giving, and the other is always taking. The signs are written on the wall, yet again, you stay and deal with it. Is it because you feel that you're lacking something, that the other has? Are friendships meant to last? Why is that a woman, knows a woman better than a man, and vice versa?

Are you gullable? When someone tells you a lie, if you're really in tune, your 'gut' will tell you the truth. You enter a new relationship, do you give trust or it is earned? Most people say you must earn it, for me I give it freely, and deduct if and when needed. Again if you listen to your 'gut' or go with your 'instinct' its another chance for you to pay attention to warning signs that 'GOD' gives you. A lot of answers come from within. Nothing happens by chance. That distant neighbor who holds vital information about you and your life, was meant to share with you. Of course the delivery may not have been, the most desired approach. Yet it was information that you needed to know. Putting missing pieces to the puzzle together, gives you a better sense of self, and it enables you to form complete opinions and 'real' ideas about who you are, and better still who you can become.

The keen eye is another gift from GOD. With that knowledge comes wisdom, which allows you to share with your family, children, friends and anyone , who you may encounter. Don't stay in the dark and stunt your full potential growth. To merely exist and stay clueless, is just a example of opportunity lost. Who wants to be viewed as someone with nothing to offer. Advice isn't often free, but giving with a sincere heart is worth more than millions of dollars, and the end all benefit gets you a permanent seat, to the 'next' level, ..... will it get you into the hereafter? Do you believe that you get there alone? Your 'gut' and 'instinct' is a best friend, that you often neglect....yet you always say, if I just had a warning sign....well realistically, YOU DID!!

What are you doing with your life?


P.S.S. Check out 'The Game' tonight on the CW.

1 comment:

  1. Brotha Brotha BROTHA!I feel that. I was talking to my friend about some of the key points you made in this blog. I completely feel you.

    Its almost like people are afraid to listen to themselves and be free and be vulnerable to change. And that stops them from being the best they can be because there not giving themselves room for error. People forget that we as humans learn from mistakes, not fail.

    Me moving to LA let me see how a lot of people think. People are scared to follow there drems if they are not sure if it will come true. They have to make sure plan B is there. The way i see it is....Ok...have a plan B. But if you have a passion and that is what keeps you happy, You need to swim in Plan A until there is a water shortage.

    My mom is up and down about me moving. I understand her though. She is the only one that is truly showing me attention, emotional support, tough love, and displine right now. I dont want to leave her. But i have a GUT Feeling. And going to school out here i feel like my life is passing me by. I dont feel like i am experienceing Life. I need to explore my carreer and be On my own. They think i dont know hard times are coming. Ive experienced a unstable houshold for 22 years. Ive felt heart , Ive felt like certain family member dont love me, and ive been broke to where i didnt know when i was going to eat next. If i can go through that here where im suppose to have support......then why cant i take a chance and furthur my education in a place where my carrer possobilitiese can come into view. Im sorry but i dont see peoples point.

    Im all about self growth. and being around family members and "Friends" who dont have an open mind to understand me.....I dont have paitience for that anymore.

    You said "Your gut is a powerful tool, most people think with their heart, and therein lies the problem." This stood out to me for some reason. Elaborate about how thinking with the heart can be a setback or a problem.
