In the 21st century, the rules and walk are, no different for the plight of Black people, than it was 200 hundred years ago. What we have recently witnessed is this, 1. If you're black and walking down the street wearing a 'hoodie', it means that you're a hoodlum, and you're not allowed to walk, roam in upper scale neighborhoods. The right to bear arms, opens the conversation right up about murder. If you feel threatened or intimidated, does that give a pass to KILL someone?
2. If you're a Black youth, you are not allowed to play loud music, because that act gives white America, the right to feel that their life is being threatened, so its okay for them to kill us.
George Zimmerman and Bill Nunn, both pompous control freaks, with ego's bigger than the state of Texas. For argument sake, lets say that they are not racist, but can we agree that both of these youth murders, were racially motivated.
Bill Nunn, your Hell is just starting
You seemed to have already made up your mind. Why open a close minded conversation?