Friday, August 22, 2014


Happy Friday everyone, ... Let's Talk about It!

It's okay to not have the answers yet, continue on your path and trust the journey.   Today I lay my burdens down, I own all the good, and I accept my part, in the bad that has come my way.  I'm no Angel, and yet Ive been a Saint to many.  Through it all, I live to testify that it has shaped and molded me into the person that I am today.  You must be accountable for your actions, we are active participants in a forward movement, denial is stunting.  Growth is attained on a daily basis. A due diligence is what we all must put forth in life epiphanies.  Things that unfold are about the rapture that we face in the midst of the storms.  

Stop feeling sorry for yourself, no pity parties, leave the pacifier behind.    No matter what comes your way, you have to believe that goodness will prevail again.  Seek GOD, he's the easy out.  Time is an investment, use it wisely. Active participation helps with the anticipation that ignites, the butterflies in the pit of our stomach, for an all system go, hands on approach, that unlocks the key to the future, YOUR future. The unknown keeps us inquisitive and willing to investigate by seeking answers to help formulate a rightful passive.  

What Are You Doing With Your Life?


Kevin Knighton

1 comment:

  1. this one was a little far out, but I alway s dig your way with words. keep up the good words of encouragement. you work is truly another level, and you will be richly rewarded.
