Friday, November 27, 2009

Rhythm To Flow/TGIF

Happy BLACK Friday Everyone...

Trusting that everyone had a great THANKSGIVING!!! So much feasting takes place, and then the day is gone. Life always has a rhythm, though it may not always be the beat and flow that you would prefer. It still has a certain flow to it, and like it or not we adapt. The way a certain song can tell you life story, without ever knowing you. Funny how that works huh. We live to make it through the hurdles, and we're more inclined to do what's popular, like for instance today....MILLIONS of you are participating in BLACK Friday.....when in actuality if we were patient and waited until January, that's where all the 'best' sales are...but we're conditioned to the rhythm and that beat doesn't stop.

What I really dig is how sexy the word BLACK has become so I roll with it, and it has a certain strength to it. As time keeps moving on, the holidays come and go, family, friends, community and religion are all things that should never be taken lightly. We're here to learn and also to set examples for others to follow. Be the solution and not the problem. You're only able to stand tall if you honor those who came before you. Standing on the shoulders of the lessons learned in life, we only honor our predecessors if we continue the tradition, when you stand tall and stay present, you are honoring legacy.

Sometimes we forget what it all means, and when you get right down to the rhythm of it all, it's the simple things, its not rocket science. Treat others how you would like to be be treated, have patience, which is a lesson that I'm STILL trying to perfect. Seeing yourself in others, helps you to understand their struggles and plight. With every lesson learned, what was the circumstance and in conflict resolution, which part will you play, when you have a certain "Rhythm" in your life, you accept your faults and correct or accept them, your strengths become stronger and in the process you bring humility to your movement.

What are you doing with your life?


  1. Personaly I like BROWN rymes with down. I hope you are going out for a brisk walk this morning.

  2. Very nice Kev' thanks much.

  3. Kevin you have such a gift. Would you consider being a writer for a talk show. I'm serious. I really am thinking about being your talent scout. Your talent to put into word the reflections of life are not wasted. I save all your inspiration words, and often think what a unrecognized talent you are. God has a place for you. Give me permission and I will make some calls and share some of your writings

  4. Know always that you are appreciated for your clarity with issues that most people avoid, or simply ignore. These issues are essential for Maslow's self actualization of the human condition. You just say it better than most.

  5. Happy belated Thanksgivig Kev,

    BLACK Friday sounds very sexy you know.

    Have a great day!Mucho love.


  6. SUPREME DOPENESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
