Friday, December 27, 2013


Happy Friday Everyone, ... Let's Talk about It!! 
Some birds aren't meant to be caged, so why clip their wings.  Its about soaring above and beyond the realm of what is considered 'normal'.  Average is second best, and has no place when you're first rate.  The quality that you give, its a belief in yourself.  Failing opens the gates to forgiveness, it doesn't always mean that you forget 
no matter how minuscule the event or situation was.  
Maturity teaches us that we're not innocent, we are willing participants, a key ingredient, even when we appear not to be.  We must not look to others as the escape goat.  That 'poor me' role is so passé, its now viewed as 'selfish' me.  Do the work, teach from the experience.  Make a promise to yourself that you'll be smarter the next time around. If you can't move on it shows the obtuse side of you.  Mistakes are bound to happen, its the recovery thats the tried, tested and true testament. 
What Are You Doing With Your Life?
Flowers when we are alive!!


  1. Thankful to God for you.

  2. To God be the glory of all things good and wonderful and divine.

    Kevin Im grateful to God for you.
