Thursday, December 26, 2013

'STILL' loving Teena Marie

Three years ago today, the world got the news that our beloved blue-eyed soul singer Teena Marie had passed away.  The news came as a complete shock, I couldnt breathe, I didnt believe it, and immediately I was hurting in pain.  She was a beautiful person, a friend and I was a fan.  The last time that we were together was October, and two short months later she was gone.  Life is that constanst reminder to love, forgive and cease all the moments of great opportinity.  Teena was a true lover of Soul music and the African America culture.  Easily she could have taken a different road that of a Pop or Rock singer for the $$$, but that wasnt the type of person she was.  Against her record label urging, she was a WHITE soul singer and her legions of fans, largely the African American and Latino culture fully embraced her with open arms.
She was the artist who granted me my first interview, when I was fourteen, and the love affair never ended.  Today Im thinking of Lady Tee Teena Marie and remembering ALL the great times of music and fellowshipping.  Her musical legacy forever will remain Immortal.  Rest In Peace ... I know that you're in great company.  I miss you!!!

Born Mary Christine Brockert ...


  1. WoW .... Three years already. The good ones go very young. RIP Lady Tee

  2. Teena was the bomb. I miss her EVERY day. She is truly an angel.

  3. Her music is my favorite. That girl can sing her ass off.

  4. Im 'still loving you' Teena hard to believe that I will never u perform again.

  5. {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252
    {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 ArialMT;}

    \f0\fs26 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0
    \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 Thank you for 'I Need Your Lovin' and 'Portuguese Love' and 'Square Biz' and 'Ooh La La' ... Forever loving Teena Marie!}

  6. Rest In Peace Lady Tee

  7. It Must Be Magic .... So great!! I fell in love with her!

  8. Where's California? Wow I so miss you.

  9. I saw you at her funeral. It was a very somber day, but you can fill love through out the room.
