Friday, May 29, 2009


Happy Friday Everyone,
I made it past Memorial Day weekend, that's always a tough holiday for me, for obvious reasons, I'm always numb around that time of year. When time is kind, it can be a healer, as I grow. I'm able to rebound much quicker from the gloom. Sad times will always play a part of life's vision, as we deal with the ebb and flow.

This week, I've noticed a old issue in the world, yet it's very clear and present day. Addiction is a dark cloud, that few like to address, yet we must. When something becomes larger than you, and you lose control, When you feel the need to escape to cope with a certain situation because it's easier not to face it head on, and address it.

Some go dark and retreat, and want nothing but solace, some react and become someone that you've never known. We talk how easy life can be when you're at your best. Realistically, why wouldn't it be? Show me someone who deals with adversity, and illustrates compassion, humanity and character, that's the person that I want to know. Show me someone who flows forward when things are good, and falls apart when the rainbow isn't enough, is the person that I would opt not to be a part of my world.

Addiction be it, alcohol, drugs, food, sex, gambling, etc.., Therapists would say it's a form of weakness, and low self esteem. I tend to disagree, it might be a chemical imbalance, something that could possibly be inherited. My grandfather battled alcohol addiction and died of pancreatic cancer, yet I'm not really a big drinker, but say maybe I love sex or gambling too much, which is another form of 'addiction'. Society is kinder to the drug and alcohol addiction, but less kind to someone who battles food/obesity, sex of gambling addictions.

First foot forward is to admit to yourself your addiction, whatever it may be. Having a strong support unit is a must, unfortunately everyone wont have support. Of course some people don't feel that they have a problem. Ironically people with addictions are the most judgmental, which has often perplexed me. Shouldn't the person battling the addiction, be more understanding of other's who fall short? I admire anyone who can say 'I have a problem/issue' and I need help.

I learned long time ago to take the word 'never' out of my vocabulary. If you're lucky to live long enough, you will remove that word from your library. With addiction you still have a group that will try to condemn and belittle. You know the group who just cant understand, how it happened to their brother, sister, lover, friend, wife, husband, etc..,

Without judgment let's support any wounded birds, who may have lost their way home, or fallen off course. Truth be told, we've all dealt with something. The recovery, and things discovered along the path, which leads you back to normalcy it can be very cathartic. Who knows what you might discover, or who might be empowered, because of your journey home. Celebrate your circle of life, and those who have impacted it for the good and bad.

What are you doing with your life?


  1. You have me in tears over here. Damn. Thanks for putting a realistic understanding a touchy subject.
    I think there's a television show in your futurre, that or you should become a therapist. I would pay you :)

    Cyndi Mizelle

  2. it was sooo good to read your blog this morning, your words have become a familiar friend to me and something I look forward to opening up. music was sweet, also. i am having some issues with my PC, but was able to get on today. keep on sending, thankyou. do have yourself an excellent day, that will be my goal, & yes, and TGIF!!!


  3. Man, where do I begin . . . addiction has taken such a strong hold on my family, I just thought it was all part and parcel of having a family. You name it. someone in my family was addicted to it! Why, we may have even sold it.

    I believe addiction is escapism. Some just need to travel farther away than others. Who are we to judge someone else's pain. We can only be there when they are ready to come home

  4. It's my business what I do. I'm enjoy indulging. I work hard, I pay my bills. The hurt if any, I'm doing to myself. Until I'm ready for change, I will continue to drink and smoke pot, because it's brings me PLEASURE!!! Dont worry about me, Im going to be alright, family, please leave me the hell alone.

  5. Damn this really hit home. Have you ever thought of writing a colum? I think you are running away from your gift.


  6. I don't agree with you. Addiction is a choice. Addicts hurt all those who love them.


  7. Yes Kev,been to that dark place(nothing too crazy,but still dark) without even realizing it.Then I had to acknowledge it through people close to me as well as myself.

    Thanks again.

  8. Very nice piece.

  9. Yo kid, are you always this tender? Kinda makes me think you're in tune, and emotionally correct. Is this tru?
    Ruben Studdard's version of "Angel" was a nice touch.....even brought Ree Ree to tears.

    Brandon Houston
