Friday, May 8, 2009

Happy Mother's Day/TGIF

Thank God It's Friday,

It's Mother's Day weekend....
A mother's love is very special. Some have great relationships, some have strained relationships. Not everyday is easy. Parents have peers too. Some tend to forget that fact. There is no manual to parenting, most learn along the way.

A mother will nurture, and most times will always understand, the good, support you through the wrongs, and will almost all the time go to bat for you. The first woman that I ever said I love you to, was my mother. The way I react to women is because of my mother. A mother is intelligent, strong, tender,unconditional, loving, caring, fearless and has a job that never ends.

This weekend, for the strained relationships, please put a call in, or a card in the mail. If forgiveness is order, whether you do it or not, please consider it. Put the conversation on the table. Again, some mother and child relationships are more severe and embattled than others. With that said, parents aren't always right either. Olive branches need to be extended on both fronts.

Not everyone can be a mother, some cases, people who play grown up games, don't always know how to handle grown up responsibilities. Unfortunately a lot of babies come into the world unwanted. Many would give anything to have the honor of being a mother. Often times the qualified, aren't always rewarded with children. Such a unfair state of affairs, but that's another conversation.

If you are a mother and things aren't right in your world, I challenge you to make the first step in the direction of healing, and address matters. It can begin with a simple I'm sorry' forgiveness is easier for some than others. A hug is something that can be given freely. If you are a child, the same approach applies to you as well. I don't expect all situations to have happy endings, but I do expect you consider my words.

My personal relationship with my mother wasn't always peaches and cream, by any means, I tested her a awful lot, we went through the normal growing pains. As a child I didn't always understand the security provided. We learned to communicate, and really listen to one another, at the end of the day, I always felt loved.

A mother's love...never dies, it's yesterday, today and forevermore. To all the Mother's of the world, past and present. I SALUTE you.
Happy Mother's Day.

What are you doing with your life?

God bless us all,

P.S.S. *In the spirit of Mother's Day*, a must read is 'Promises I Made My Mother" by Sam Haskell
Tune in to The Game tonight on the CW network. Check your local listings for air times.


  1. Thank you Kevin, I love you, this made my day and I thank God for the
    relationship that I have with my three daughters.

  2. Beautifully said!! thank you.

  3. Thank you...This was so lovely

  4. Great email! I sent my mom edible gifts or delights or whatever that is with the bouquette of fruit. Yum!

  5. Hey, great TGIF and song. You turned me on the The Intruders "I Always Love My Momma" back in the day. I remember your mini concert In high school, when you sang that song and "you and me against the world". In case I ever need to blackmail you, I think I still have the VHS of it :-)

    Rhonda Clark

    Shelley Z

  6. I will send a Shout Out! to Hazel Caroline in Gloryland if I may. . .
    for having never this dear lady, the honor her son pays her is rare to be found. We thank all the women in our lives and recognize that even their weaknesses can become our strengths
    thanks Kevin, for the inspiration
