Thursday, May 28, 2009

Command Performance

Janis Ian's At Seventeen, ode to the day of the ugly ducking, or the perceived ugly duckling. We've all gone through awkward moments. This was one of my mother's favorites songs. As I child I don't know if I ever truly appreciate the sentiment of this song. Today as a man, I've seen some great days, some good days, and some just average days. I've been the good guy, but I've also been the bad guy, MUCH more than the good.
This classic performance, while is has no glam or glitter. It still manages to touch a place in all of us, because it's a very real subject matter. No matter how successful you may be, someone can always bring you down a peg or two. So for all the insecurities that we might have felt, at one time or another, whether we care to admit to them or not. Janis Ian I applaud you for saying, what most of us thought or felt At Seventeen.....ish.


  1. I never heard this song before, but I like it. Your music taste runs deep and varied. Thanks for sharing.


  2. I was considered an ugly dickling, now we have ugly betty who is celebrated, but before that I had Jan Ian, who fully understood my ackwardness. Thanks for the posting this song. Very nice.

    Anna Richmond
