Friday, January 8, 2010


Happy Friday Everyone,

I trust that all of you had a great holiday. Family and friends coming together should always be a joyous occasion. I won't talk about goals set in place, for this new year of infinite possibilities, because I'm sure we all know what we need to do, to ensure greatness in our tomorrows. 2009 was wicked, and I was very happy to see it go.

Starting a clean slate is such a refreshing breeze to smell. The first Sunday of a New Year, always packs the church. We celebrate tradition, as hope is ever present. Still, world issues are at an all time high, hostilities haven't gone away. Realizing that it will always take a village, Lending helping hands to others in need, will never go out of style. Being ever grateful to see a New Decade, where many were not as fortunate.

Today we can no longer procrastinate, is another form of defeatism. Excuses are just that, an excuse. It never gets you any closer to what you really want or need, subtle joy is not long term. Speak it, and know that you can conceive it, the universe will give you whatever you desire. As we embark on a new chapter in our lives. Take a deep breath, visualize it .... and it's yours. One saying I've come to really appreciate and wholeheartedly believe is this - NEVER PUT A QUESTION MARK(?) WHERE GOD HAS PUT A PERIOD(.).

What are you doing with your life?


  1. Happy New Year Kevin, and welcome back. I've missed your TGIF's. Your message was very light and upbeat this week, I guess you didn't want to kick us straight away from your Holiday Vacation:) I so appreciate your deliver and tone. Keep doing what you do, I have a sneaky suspicion that this is going to be your year. Much luv,

  2. And heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee's back. Kevin I've missed you.

  3. Great to have you back. We've missed you.

  4. Thanks for the wisdom and knowledge. Today was very low key, guess you will knock us to our knees next week:) Thanks for taking the time to care. God has Angels who walk right here on earth.


  5. This is truly one of the reasons why I love you. You have a pro'thoughtic' way of saying what we all want to say.

  6. I needed to hear your words today. Thank you very much.

  7. What are you plans for the new year? How will you be better than last year Kevin. We want to know more about you.

  8. This is your most refreshing TGIF ever!
