Friday, June 1, 2012


Happy Friday,

I know that we're suppose to 'wait' and in doing so, life lessons will unfold. God gives us purpose, yes tools to help keep the focus, to help keep the angst away. Hard days are sure to happen, and will be a part of things to come, growth will be the textures that you weave. I'm not unique in my discovery, that impatience is a characteristic, it can also bring out the worse in someone, when we're not willing to pace. The nervous energy that comes with standstill, is the feeling you have to be doing something productive, the constant need for a sense of belonging and worth. These are real emotions, and with real emotions, we present ourselves raw, vulnerable and at times unpretty. It can be a hard place to be, to be viewed as flawed, to be viewed with judgement, yet everyone has an opinion, and being human is the reality of admitting, to not always having the most attractive days, not always pretty thoughts or pretty results. Anxious is when nerves start winning the battle, of matters that are laid out for us, in not being happy about circumstances, the waiting period is not on your time, but the time of a higher power and greater demand.

Life gives no specific manuals, as everyone's journey is not about getting to a destination together, your passage is owned outright by you, whether or not you walk in the right rhythm or have the hard head, and swim against the stream, truth is you'll eventually get there, the reason that you choose to make it harder on yourself will also be revealed. The analytical side to you can dissect what anxiety is all about, and how it's manifested. Understanding what the meaning of your road blocks are will help you to make a more formidable bode to the truth in the matters that concern you. How you flow in adversity will result in how much you believe in your life and its greater purpose, is when you begin to understand that against your better judgement you let your conscious lead, and give gratitude in your arrival.

What Are You Doing With Your Life?


  1. anxiety is condition that gives you pause when you're unsure of matters presented.

  2. seems that we're in a similar boat, Ill pray for you, please pray for me.

  3. you appear to never be at a loss for words

  4. i feel at a stand still, so i really get what you're saying more than you know. thanks for breaking it down, in ways that I couldn't express.

  5. sounds like you might need to get out of your own way.

  6. faith will be tested so wat will get you through is your belief,. question is how much do you believe? God is unfailing, you will make it through.

  7. you're starting to be my hero. the words the ideas the actual art of being in the momennt. please keep it coming

  8. hey mister its great to see you starting to write more again, you had me hooked and locked then you stopped, kinda leerie to stick around. what's your story these days? what has you soo anxious?
