Friday, June 29, 2012


Happy Friday .. Let's talk about it!!
They say you can't take it with you, the cycle is on borrowed time. We work hard, trying to get ahead, and looking for a certain balance, that most feel stability brings. Irony is when you realize that money doesn't necessary guarantee you happiness or reward you in the ways that security leads you to believe. In life the phone is bound to ring at one time or another, perhaps a bill is late, or maybe it didn't get paid at all, late fees come with penalty, so does life. Society say the judgement is on you, some could review it as laziness or an oversight, but most understand that good intentions doesn't keep you afloat.

I use to think that the older you get the better things would become, again not necessarily true. Sure wisdom comes with the aging process, and gratitude comes along with that. Learning is seeking eventually you'll understnad. To owe allows you to constantly keep striving, to press the machine that you are fine tuning. The first person that you pay is self, everything thereafter will fall into place, nothing easy has every proven to be as worthwhile as the hardships and obstruction. I see your quality shining through, remember that empty pockets is only a temporary setback.

What Are You Doing With Your Life?


  1. hey my dude you've been busy this week. great stuff, this was very timely for me. I think that we are all going to something. btw nice song choice.

  2. this is words to live by. I needed to hear these words today.

  3. I love it!
    E. Long

  4. Bills is jsut a part of life, they wont go away, i think being completely debt free is a oxymoron.

  5. trying giving that spill to my bill collectors, I don't think that it would work, but nice concept ish.

  6. once we get your president out of offic, I will no longer be financially challenged. i'm just saying.

  7. kevin thanks always for your words of wisdom.
    Have a fabulous weeken. Big love 2u.

  8. i love the full range deliver that you apply to your words of wisdom. thank you.

  9. you give us your heart, so good and humbling. thanks for possessing such a sweet soul. your parents did well.

  10. So true, it's only a setback for a GREAT comeback ;-)
