Friday, March 29, 2013


Happy Friday everyone, ... Let's Talk about it!!
Certainties are not always a given in life, yet we go on with the unspoken understanding that things will get better than they presently are. Challenge is the bedfellow that takes on more of a comforting position than an offense. Today's world is more progressively complicated than ever before. The elders constantly preach that we're living in the last days, however I think that reality is probably closer true for them, than us, if life plays out the part that it's suppose to for each of us, the tenure is inevitable. You must be emphatic on the direction intended, purposely driven without confliction, as you are centered, you are righteous and in this particular equation, the moment is meant just for you, it's a preparation that you've prepared your entire life for. To be leveled and mentality stable is the surreal moment that we all so desperately thirst to obtain.

Wondering why dreams are deferred, curiosities about when will it be your time to shine, in honesty we realize that fairy tales are child's play in our rose colored visions of happy endings, and I feel that "Happy Endings" are realistic, just not as permanent as we dreamed them to be, but they help in the balancing act of our stay on this Universe. It's a tightrope, and in your equation to juggle it all, when you're precision gets skewered, you will fall off. Obvious choice is to question as to why? but the rightful choice is to stay on the ground in that moment, and replay your landing, work from that thought forward, if you don't have any query's in the wondering why, it's only a continuous cycle bound to repeat. As you approach each new day, be at one with self, speak of your lineage, give honor to your mother, father, maternal and paternal grandparents, speak their names, know where you come from, and what was their intended purpose for you, those things you're now afforded because of their structure and blueprint. In that acknowledgement is when you start to fully understand, the luxurious life that you're living, with it's convoluted angst and struggles, it's still such a tremendous blessing. Remembering those who laid down for us, and the important one who rose for us in the most lovingly way especially, honoring this weekend.

What Are You Doing With Your Life?  


  1. So on theoney Kevin. Happy ressurection day weekend.
    You ate a honor and a blessing!


  2. Happy GOOD Friday Kevin! Your presence is always a comfort in my life.

  3. Good Friday to you Kev' its a time of tefection and fellowshipping. Honor is on the menu!


  4. I really like the part where you speak the names of your immediate relatives, it keeps the perspective on FOCUS!

  5. This one was wordy, but VERY true. Thanks and Happy Good Friday to you.


  6. One of your abdolute best! This one was so well constructed. A little longer than usual, but a lovely read.

  7. Great song ... Its been YEARS since I heard it. Such good words to remind of the really important things.

    Happy Good Friday.


  8. Happy Easter weekend. Youve always had such a way with witds. Prace and Paradise to you.


  9. Thank you for such great words Kevin. You always give me exactly what I need. Happy Good Friday to you.


  10. Love your words. You make a lot of sense. Forward. Movement is tge only way to live!

  11. This is great!!!!!

