Friday, March 8, 2013


Happy Friday everyone, ... Lets Talk about It!

Your actions cause a reaction.  Think first then proceed, how are you effecting your encounters "are you well intended" what is your cause and how does it effect others?  This conversation topic may seem repetitive, but if you're not applying it to your life, and if you continue to spiral in the same place, you're not growing, you're not recieving the message, or you're not ready to change, nor address lingering issues. The truth is not always pretty, and is the hardest pill to swallow, but it's honest and will free you, you can release and CLEANSE, instead of purging, and being miserable and negative, no one wants to be around that type of energy.

Tenacity you will not achieve it with speed, so take your time. Ask for PEACE and take rest in Him. Dont be afraid to go out on a limb, because that is where the best fruits are. Stand erect upright in your conviction, in your thoughts, in your pursuits, again, this walk isn't for everyone, and it's not about placing blame, it's about knowing, which battles are worthy of your direct attention. In your darkest hour is when you're closest to your victory, when you doubt, when you're challenged and when you're scared, it's those last temptations that try to detour you, but you're almost there, know that you are spring blooming in optimism, rest in it eternally. Seek dilligence, give understanding, your way, may not always be the best way, but whatever uphill battles that you may endure, it's worthy of your testament and testimony, you're writing your epitaph. Again it's your actions, that causes ... what will you leave as a lasting impression?

What Are You Doing With Your Life?


  1. DANGIT ... You drove the point HOME!!!

  2. Straight directness ... Youre all business this week. People not willing to do the work ... Those type will despise your honesty. I dig you, so THX

  3. This is for grown folks today. Your TGIF you truly atent playing. Taking the drink straight with NO chaser. Im loving IT and you.

  4. AMAZING is you and you ARE a gift to us.

    1. This really good one! Thanks


  5. Happy Friday!

    You give your readers a lot to think about. Im never disappointed when I read your thif pieces!
