Friday, October 23, 2009

Staying In Your Lane/TGIF

Scene - Present Day

In the midst of trying to figure out our life and the valuable players in it. Day to day struggles will always find someone trying to break your stride and the joy that you have in your life. Your journey is uniquely your own, you don't have to explain it to anyone. If chasing your dreams isn't infringing on another's livelihood. I say go for it. When you share your desires with others, are they actively listening or wishing they were someplace else. Those are the signs that you need to pay close attention to.

Say you gave your all to a love affair, that was doomed from the start, but you decided to try it just one more time, and of course that took you out of your lane and comfort zone, and you got bit AGAIN!! That so called friend that you confided in, who said you could do better, ended up testing the waters that you once swam in, well that's on you, because you didn't honor your lane, and your truth. You could deal with a similar situation in the work place. someone might encourage you to apply for a position that they feel you have no chance in hell of getting, surprise, surprise you get it, now you're their boss or it was a position that they really wanted .... EXACTLY!!

Knowing your place is not the easiest thing to understand. What's meant for you, will eventually be for you. The interim can be the hardest part of all. Waiting and the obstacles in between is always the most stressful. Due process is the ultimate test. Yes we are tested daily. The quick prayers that some pray, doesn't get you the quick result, and possibly it doesn't get heard. Time, tenderness and being steadfast is what the good book teaches. The school of hard knocks exist too, if that's the type of student you want to be. Long story short, it has more drawbacks than gains.

Everyone has a role in which they play in life. Knowing your role and place is a good start, most will bump into walls trying to figure it out. Trust me if you bump your head enough times, the bruises will teach you how to find an easier way, and a much softer landing. Take for instance the youngest child, has his role, generally of being the baby, spoiled and getting his/her way, the middle child usually will be the over achiever fighting just to be seen and heard, while the oldest child takes the lead and has the responsibility, while setting the example for siblings to follow.

Staying in your lane, means you understand your place, your role, your way and ultimately your destiny. Life is richly rewarded to those who stay present and believe in the impossible. I'll even say dare to reach for the impossible. The mere fact of not knowing what the impossible 'is' gives you all the more reason to want things that life sometimes say you shouldn't have. Staying in your lane, allows you to say I 'can' have this. Knowing the players that you cast in your life and their role is essential. Remember for every role and part, villains exists too. The biggest lesson is to know what your role is, and how to play it, remember some will push you, when they least expect it, don't be afraid to come out of pocket, to make it just a little more interesting.

What are you doing with your life?


  1. you are starting to make me very paranoid. every Friday when I read your blogs, more and more I'm convinced that youre spying on me. Weird thing is you dont know me. That's your savings grace. Could the human element be that strong. I guess so. I will print out today's blog and put in on my refriderator as a constant reminder, and I'm going to forward it on to other fools like me, who have similiar circumstance.
    Kay Van Zandt

  2. Another good one Mr. K, I'm impressed. Makes me wonder how you come up with the goods. is it for past experiences? Heartbreak is heartbreak and a deceptive mind, is the devil staying busy. Don't let it get you down. I'm always interested in what you have to say.

  3. I dont mind being the villain. Long as I know my place, whoever said that good guys finish first was a lie. That shit is never true.

  4. I'm sure the curious mind has to wonder what's behind your TGIF's. I'm boggled every Friday, some days I can figure out if it's about you...but most of the time, I feel like I'm being punk'd like somebody has the in's and out's to my life story.

  5. What about collisions and traffic violations. Can you expound on that course of action?

  6. Friend who have ill will, should be tornished from existence. Does it make me a bad person for taking a chance on life and friendships? I will forever hold out on hold that more good exists than bad.

  7. Such an enjoyable read. Nice. Happy Friday to you.

  8. Well my are on the ball as usual. Every player does have a roll and no typos man. Let's meat up today champ, maybe about 1:30 or so. See you soon and please have a happy healthy day.

  9. Someone forwarded me your email, it's been the part of my crazy Friday. I keep stop reading your blog. How do I go about being on your mailing list? Great stuff, it's like reading a free magazine. Sorry I'm very cheap :P

  10. You got a tear jerker manuscript in you dont cha kid? Good stuff.

  11. I use to believe in love, but now I think I'm a jaded bitch, and Ive gotten accustomed to that role. Love is for suckers, and fools are born everyday. Taking chances have gotten me in exile. The question that keeps coming back to is WHY. Now I have a WTF attitude.
    Stormy Monday

  12. So in heavy traffic, how should I proceed? I'm always looking both ways, but not always seeing out my blind side. I'm the cautious type. Does that mean I block my blessings? Help me out.

  13. I seem to be the only one who doesn't get the term "staying in your lane" what does that mean? Am I really that much out of the loop? Gee whiz

  14. Staying in your lane means NOT allowing others to block of screw up what's meant for you, and above all, it means KNOWING YOUR PLACE!!


  15. Keep it moving Kevin...I love what you do. Thanks for being a voice for mixed cultures.

  16. You're TGIF concept is way cool. Instead of end of the week pick me up, how about you change it to Mondays. The world hates Mondays, and we always have the blues..I could really use your words on Monday. Please give it some thought, but if you don't change it...It's still support your flow.

  17. hey u, of course i appreaciated you blog. i hate to call it that because it has
    so much cherished expressions that i can relate to. you always hit on point and
    always timely. i read this and sometimes other blogs aloud. today i recited this
    aloud to two needed souls of enlightment.

  18. This was perfection. You really see me. The message you deliver is effective, yet not preachy. I would gladly fellowship with you.

    Carnie Romero

  19. I still believe in the good of people. Sometimes in life a trainwreck collision will forever change you.

  20. Ive been in a relationship with the rebound guy for over six years, while my heart still yearns for another. How do I exit something that was never for me, when the other person is in love with me? I think "I" am the villain. It was never my intention to share driving duties, so how can I stay in my lane. Your affirmaations need to continue.

    Candycccce L

  21. It's a struggle to hold on. Trying to do all that I can, before throwing in the towel.
