Thursday, April 22, 2010

I'm Just Saying..

This is who I see for the role of Hilton from the upcoming The Comfort Zone feature film!!

Cameron Douglas got sentence to only FIVE real years in a Federal Prison, so this is a case where it didn't matter who your celebrity parents are, your ass is gonna fry. Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones both wrote letters to the Judge asking for leniency.

DWTS....finally woke the eff up and got rid of Kate Gosselin, why the crap was she on there to begin with. She was HORRIBLE! Justice finally prevailed. AMEN

Remember to every rumor, there's a certain bit of truth to it.

Hey Oprah, Dave Letterman, Wendy Williams and Ellen..


  1. Celebrity life isn't always charmed, now Cameron will get his lifei in order.

  2. who is that speciman? Where can I find him?
