Friday, May 14, 2010


Happy Friday Everyone,

Let's take it from the top, have your ever heard the saying 'meet me halfway', that deal starts at the bargaining table; the tug of war is where you find your leverage. For every gain something or someone takes a loss. I tend to approach that very same concept to life. Whether or not I'm right or wrong, I'm forced to hear the others view point for the complete picture.

The art of a great conversationalist is that of a good listener, you quickly realize that there's no gain when both parties are talking at the same time, compromise and gain to assess a loss is victory within itself it's the realization that all is not going to go your way; again that fact alone makes you victorious.

Take for instance this week on two different occasions I sat in the emergency room for hours with my impatient self only to be given two different stories, my time was compromised as I could have been doing something else perhaps more productive, now if I were to view it from the stand point of the glass being half full as oppose to half empty, I could appreciate the results of my two visits.

Sometimes in life you must take two steps back to gain one giant leap forward, and that wisdom is the greatest fact of knowing the difference, when opportunity comes your way are you prepared for the giant step forward or will you dance to the beat of going two steps back? In child's play the proper question was always "Mother May I"?

What Are You Doing With Your Life?


  1. My My My....great stuff as always. I'm at the airport heading your way. Hopefully I can see you this weekend.

  2. Hey you. As always I appreciate your writings. Hope that you are feeling better.

  3. you deliver every week, and you never disappoint. thanks for your words of encouragement and I really appreciate how you take time out of your schedule to give us readers something to process on the regular.
    johnathan W.

  4. you are a good read. I feel like i have devotion with you on Friday. I cling to your words. You are truly gifted.

  5. I love the song selection it was just as upbeat as your words.

  6. I needed to read your blog today. Very good stuff.

  7. Thank you - Happy Friday, I really like this one....and the video is nice too. Enjoy your weekend.

  8. I believe if it's on the internet it must be you know where I'm going with this right. How can we get you more recognition? This is good stuff..

  9. Kev',
    hey my good sir. I hope that you're feeling better. Life gives you lemons, put it in a lemon drop, I heard that was your favored drink, so next we connect, drinks on me.
    Raquel B.

  10. I love your words. very nice. Thanks again. Have a great weekend, and thanks again for you being you.

  11. afternoon sir, where does your inspirations come from? I'm puzzled and amazed, I'm a writer, but I always need subject matter to speak on,yet when I read your blogs it's alwaya ray of many subjects all so profound and inpirational. I would love to know more about you...every now and then you let the reader in on some insight to you. This week you shared with us your emergency room experience, now I'm curious to know what had you in emergency. Guess i'm just nosey like that, at least that's what my ex husband lead me to believe:) Thanks again for sharing your wisdom and knowledge with us.

  12. How classic of a read and the "mother may i" was a nice touch at the end, it made me smile. who is the singer? good vocals and very upbeat, like life should be.

  13. I just opened my emails for the day, and I must say that you're simply wonderful.

  14. Good afternoon sir, this is a great piece. I like your flow and delivery. you seem to be in a zone. I never knew how creative your were. I'm happy to be on board and it's fly to see how you process things in words, in person you're so quiet, no one would ever know that you have all this flair to you. I love it.

  15. As other readers have stated you have an amazing gift with words. Iwould like to know more about you, and where you plan to take your talents next. If I might advise, maybe the lecture circuit.

  16. I'm all about the giant leap forward and I'm ready for it.

  17. I'm not sure it steps back is necessarily a bad thing, some times in life you must revisit to get the full understanding. Most will depend on prospective as the course of your life changes and alters.
    Thanks for the food for thought.
