Friday, August 6, 2010


Hello and Happy Friday,
Isn't it interesting how the application to life applies as such "You can not acquire something without giving something of equal or greater value." The bible speaks on what our creator gave up so that we might live and have a better life, and even though it was the most unselfish act, people since the beginning of time has always pushed the boundaries, everlasting life was taken away from us, because two selfish individuals wanted to have things their way and for that the rest of us had to suffer.

Things to consider in your life's order, walking alone is by choice, our personality traits are due to how we're raised/taught mixed with what we've experienced. Judgment comes in the form of the company that you keep, it's not brain surgery when someone grows up to be abusive, or to be deceitful, those traits came from somewhere. The flip side speaks greater to those things that we are drawn and attracted to, it's about alchemy, without that a relationship could not exist, getting the best from any situation lies with the application.

The world moves further and further apart from what's important because we've gotten away from embracing tradition, rules are put into place for a reason, living life is about governing ourselves, you must maintain a certain standard, if you can teach that belief in your household, united by the world teaching a similar belief, that adds to the alchemy of the world. Hatred is old hat, and doesn't have to be the moniker to the generations that follow. We must continue to seek truth and understanding, until that happens our work is far from done, and the chaos of the world will never cease. If you do your duty, it can be written that we collectively agreed to walk together.

What Are You Doing With Your Life?


  1. great message ...

  2. Wake up everybody is right. John Legendis the wrong person to deliver the messae, but I get the sentiment.Thanks for always being aware Kevin, you're really are part of the movement for change.

  3. Now if only politician could see the world through your eyes, it would be an easier place to digest, but until that happens, it will continued to be a fucked up world, and that's unoforntautnate.

  4. man u have a gift. its as if I ponder it and then u express it with quiet genius. I'm fortunate to have a friend like you.
    Keep on your path, others soon to follow.

  5. Love it Kev, let's that chemistry flowing through the world.

  6. You make me enjoy the tender moments. thanks

  7. I enjoyed your writing today, in a perfect world it all works out, but we live in a very different world, I don't think that hatred will end, it's what the dominant race wants to filter through the system.

  8. This is a very true aknowledgement of people, and from the begining of time. Selfish desires that we have inherited as traits from our first parents. Look at our first brothers.
