Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Missing You

Friendship is about choice it's about chemistry, it's a free flowing conversation, it's when you when you let your guard down, and don't mind being naked in your vulnerabilities. I had such a friend in Amelia(Ame)Lynn Williams. One year ago, she passed away, and my life hasn't been the same. It's hard to believe that it's been a year already, what's even more shocking, is that I've seen her very recently, and each time when we get together now, it's as if no time has passed, and for some odd reason, the question on why she went away never comes up. I know that through all the triumphs and downfalls, she will continue to see me through. Though now full on angel, she was that in my life on a day to day, I find comfort in knowing that she's over my shoulders guiding me in the right direction, and pointing her fingers at me when I get out of line or when I'm heading in the wrong direction:)
Thanks Ame for teaching me about life, and the bigger picture, which is pure human decency. I love you and I will forever miss you!


  1. Her spirit is still present and alive. I am fortunate to have known a wonderful person and a beautiful woman. THANK YOU AME.*

  2. One year ago today I lost my friend Ame Williams, and today has been a rough one for me. Althought my heart is heavy I take comfort in the fact that I can still vividly see Ame's face and hear her laugh....so today as I miss my friend I also celebrate our friendship.

  3. Beautifully put, Annias. I can't add anything to that; you captured my feelings exactly.

  4. Ame gave the best hugs, I loved her hugs and loved her, I will miss her hugs.
