Friday, January 25, 2013


Happy Friday everyone ... Let's Talk about It!!

Standing on the shoulders of others, are the rightful passage to life. To understand where we can go, we must understand from whence we came. We must fully comprehend the measures of each one, teach one. The world continues to become more and more commercial, and heartfelt intent seems to be lost.  The more that I grow in life, the more I cling to the values of yesterday, It's time to cleanse and heal. It's up to you to instill HONESTY and LEGACY. I think duty, honor and family should have the same sustenance.

Priorities seem to be nonchalant about putting focus into place with tradition and value, that is where pride come from. Having faith to take a stand for the generations to come, if we do not start instilling reinforcement in our homes and government, the world is bound to fall apart, by self destruction. Our purpose needs to be in check, with an clear direction of what needs to happen. What we represent can be a simple approach if 'truth' is at the center of any conversation, walk in your purpose. Teach the children, the Lord's prayer, you would be amazed how many have never heard it. honor God in the classroom, the Pledge of allegiance, is a structured testimony of a promise that comes from within, that's where the topic starts ..... I'll leave it up to you and your household, as to where it will end.

What Are You Doing With Your Life?


  1. always on point. thanks for you being you.
    laurel Martinelli

    1. Yes Lord, you really help me with my thoughts process. Preach Preach Preach!

  2. Good morning, its OFFICIAL you must produce a book of your inspiring/heartfelt messages ... love you much

  3. Kev' sounds like you're growing up. Powerful words, that we all could benefit from. Good stuff.

  4. Powerful son, very powerful. Lets execute and put into place. We must live to get to the good again.

  5. Each one, teach one, we stand on each other to lean learn and grow. Good word choices sir. I love it.


  6. I'm on board with your words Kevin, I look forward to them every week, you are my great pick me up, scary thing is that I often to look to you as my relationship, you always give me what I need, and you help me to see the light, and often times you don't tell me what I want to hear, but you tell me the truth. I love you for that. May God continue to lift you up.


  7. Happy Friday Mr. Knighton. Great words from the good Reverend Doctor:)

  8. these words ministered my heart today, I so needed to hear them. sometimes we forget, and it's up to the anointed ones to help us to find sight and way again.

  9. happy tgif, i enjoyed he read.

  10. Livivg it out loud ... Such hood words.

  11. certaintly need to hear these words, especially in this day and age. thanks for your consistency. we live to tell the story, but we can't tell it if we don't know the words. truly.
