Friday, September 4, 2009


Here we are again, it's another Friday, and if you're in Kali, we're witnessing homes blazing and unusually hot temperatures. Global warming is wreaking it's ugly head. Collectively can we all come together, to do the right thing? That's the million dollar question. It's Friday nonetheless, so let's get to it.

When something is on my heart I speak on it, often times it's not from a personal experience, but it could be events that I've witnessed. Once I put it out there, it's up for grabs. I watched Chris Brown on Larry King, and I saw Whitney Houston on Good Morning America this week. Both train wrecks in their own way. Abuse is something that should not ever be taken lightly. It speaks to a weak mind. Whenever someone feels the need to beat and belittle you it generally means that someone has abused them, or it can be that you possess a quality that they are lacking.

Abuse comes in all shapes and sizes. You have the closeted person, who is abused within their home, that type of person, will always try to defend their abuser. A man will beat his wife on one hand, then turnaround and expect sexual favors, its nothing new. Some address their demons by using drugs, as escapism. That's just another level of abuse, that's abuse to self. Some are down right embarrased about their situation. Verbal and Mental abuse is just as bad, and can be more brutal, than a fist at times, remember words are powerful.

I think God gives blessings, when parents have children it's their duty to instill qualities in their children, they're also there to protect and guide, NOT ever neglect. A woman should never put her husband/man before her/their child. Some would quote it differently according to what version you read. Children do not ask to be brought into this world. To abuse means that you want to control the situation, could it be that the abuser was abused? More times than not, it starts there. Ironically the person in the most pain, is the last one who will seek help. They are afraid to tap into their pain. Abuser's are cowards, plain and simple.

Rihanna and Chris Brown, Ike and Tina, Pamela Anderson and Tommie Lee, their abuse is NO different and no greater than average every day human beings. What beauty can be found in someone hiding a black eye behind sunglasses. If you know anyone who is in a situation where you know abuse is being done, you must stand up and take a stand. Too many times, everyone wants to look the other way, well looking the other way, could result in a death, from a situation gone too far. Encourage counseling, but more importantly help them to escape, generations of abuse can be corrected, the chain could stop with you. First you must want better, secondly you have to believe that you can do better, and thirdly you must believe that you deserve better.

I don't proclaim to have all the answers but I do know when I see injustice in the eyes of a child, or someone's spirit broken, by years of being bullied. We have tools, and strength comes in numbers. So for the little voice who might not know how to speak out, I champion for you, and maybe someone else out there will champion with me. Truth be told, you don't have to look very far, I'm sure some of what I'm speaking on is probably in your family, friendships, or in the work place.

What are you doing with your life?


  1. You just open my flood gates. How do I leave the man that I love, the father of my children? I'm not financially stable, we depend on him for everything. I cant tell my family, everyone thinks he's perfect. I want better for my children, it's not about me. How, how.....


  3. yo yo yo Kev' it's too early in the morning for you to get so damn deep. now you want me to patrol my neighborhood, playing the po po, to see who's getting drop kicked. Man it's all too much:) sorry I have to be make light of the situation, because you're speaking too many truths here in this piece. one request, can you get back to keeping it light. give me a dance jam on Friday's in your TGIF's...your message today seemed like a heavy Monday burden.

  4. I totally agree, and by the way "I am the Champion"....Let's do all that we can to encourage and help one another. Have A great weekend...Love ya and Be Strong!

  5. I understand it's blazin' and burnin' ,but I'll see you soon.

  6. This is such a heavy article. Coming to your blasts, it's like what Forest Gump said "you never know, what you're going to get" sometimes it's lite, sometimes is sad, happy, funny...but NEVER ever boring. Thanks for keeping it moving. I took your words to heart today, and I will be addressing some things in my life. Thanks for having the courage to speak out on it. I'm sure you are helping lots of people.

  7. You opened the box today Kevin, man you're certainly are timely. I have been in abusive relationship, my mother abandoned me, my husband belittles me. I don't know how to be strong for me kids, but I know I must. Do you know of any therapists that will keep my secrets save? I don't have much money, but I've got to do something. I come to your blog every week, because you always give me something to look forward to. I'm sorry for the loss of your friend, even with that blog, you were giving and sharing, even with the pass of your loss. Please continue to keep these coming. How can I contact you? If that's even possible? Please let me know. Thanks again...
    Lost and bewildered.

  8. It's always easier for someone to say what they would do when they are NOT in the situation. If it were that easy. We would all leave.

  9. To everyone who left comments here or who have sent me emails directly. I mainly touched on this subject, (which for some is taboo) to get the conversation going. Today I was overwhelmed by the responses. I will continue to do what I do, as I don't proclaim to have all the answer,however I can facilitate as best I can. To "Lost and bewildered" you can reach me at my direct email address ( and I will get back to you promptly. Again today was a massive out pouring of responses, some have felt the need to tell me how to advise:), it's alls love, care and understanding. Hopefully we'll get to where we need to be. Bless us all.

  10. Great blog. I will champion and join forces with you. You are a soldier...blessings will always come to you.


  11. How do you know if you deserve better? Is that a crazy question. I've been in this fog so long, I don't know if I'm coming or going. So if God exists, why am I in this hell? I truly dont what Im to believe anymore.
    call me Greta

  12. She's abusive to me, she is condescending, she belittles and she hits me. If I say something then i'm a little punk, because I can't hit her back. If I hit her, I'm a p*ssy. I'm in a no win situation. Who is going to Champion for me? I think that trumps your million dollar question.
    F*ck this crap is crazy.

  13. this is a serious subject, many know about it, but few ever speak on it. i'm sure you'll get some static from your piece, but it's a subject that needs to be addressed, I salute your stance to champion this topic. I have rage in me, and sometimes it scared me, I hope that I havent crossed the line in my household, because of your blast, I will open the topic for convo at my home, and if needed, Im NOT above seeking therapy for my family.

  14. I just opened your email. Youve missed your calling. Your parents did a remarkable job with you. You're so tender and caring, very unlike my household. Thanks for being a outlet.
