Friday, September 18, 2009

Inner Peace/TGIF

Friday, Friday, Friday...

And the rain that fell had a meaning....A week in beautiful San Francisco, where everything that could go wrong, did. Yet I made it through a very difficult situation, and circumstance, through it all I was able to rise to the occasion. They say you'll never get more than you can handle, I don't always believe that, but I know that when much is given, much is required. Never being sure, if I deserve such accolades and at times I'm not sure that I want them.

Inner Peace comes from within, to know that secret place within yourself, to go that extra mile of living and understanding. To be alone with yourself in your thoughts and design. It's going the distance and not being afraid to ask the really big questions, more importantly, not being afraid of the really big answers. Sometimes it wont be favorable, and often times you wont always understand. To seek absolute in your desire, is a mature state of mind.

When you're heart is troubled, life can be weary. Inner Strength is your sole desire to achieve inner peace. It's a all knowing calmness. People who walk around pensive with built up frustrations will usually lead to a whole can of health ailments. Inner peace, can add years to your life. Discovering who you are is never a easy task, as I believe that we're always evolving and reaching new mediums. A life fulfilled generally means your work is done here and you're off to your next mission. To truly understand that is to always challenge the questions that you don't have the answers to.

Few can look in the mirror and truly like the person that they see, we all have flaws, and it gives us something to work on and a challenge to obtain that ultimate satisfaction. I'll save you some time, you'll never get to the point where you truly happy and content with everything. Again, if you get to that point, I really feel that your mission is accomplished and it's your time to move on. Back in day, it was a myth that the year 2000 would end everything. Just the fact that at the time, we didn't know, gave us reason to approach it from a look, wait and see stance. Some days we treaded lighter than other days.

The world will continue to move with or without us. Inner peace and strength can enable us to be the example to set for others, your walk is the experience in which you will teach those you come in contact with. You can never share you story, if it's not a reality that you can believe in, if you haven't put the time and done the work for greater understanding. Whoever you pray or look to for guidance is where your teachings come from most.

To be blessed and wished well, is something you have to desire for your fellow man, and it's something that you must be able to show whether you think someone is watching or not. Good intentions and warm gratifications, are all salutations but without the heartfelt intent it all falls by the way side. We're all fragments woven together. Remember when you're having a week full of obstacles when it seems that your good deeds goes unmerited, know what your true intent was. If done for the right reasons, you'll get the right results, and when it doesn't end up exactly the way that you know what that means.

What are you doing with your life?


  1. TGIF yours always give me something to think about. That's the best part. So much meat to consume, and I like the fact that you let me work it out for myself. Truth is we all hold our own truths. Thx again.
    Shirley Adler

  2. This was FOOD for my soul. Thanks, I ate every word :-)

  3. Kevin you always give me food for my soul. I don't know how you do it, or where you come up with your subject matter, my God it's always so timely, and it seems to benefit my life. Thanks for taking time out of your schedule to bring joy in other people's lives. You're a good man, blessed beyond measure.

  4. I'm so proud of you my precious son. I'm holding my heart listening to Jaime Fox THANKS!

  5. I'm soo proud of you writings. You have grown immesensely.

  6. You can sigh a moment of release. this was very nourishing for my soul. Lovely words spoken by put genius, I need positive affirmations like these always. keep em comin.

  7. Inner peace isn't always easy to achieve. Quite hard actually, especially when you're depressed.

  8. My computer crased and tumbled last week, but I'm back online now...yippie. I'm so glad to have your words back in life, I truly need them.
