Friday, February 8, 2013


Happy Friday everyone, ... Let's Talk about It!!

Your FAITH, will be challenged, questions will arise, the true testament comes from belief. If you send prayers up, its certain that blessings will come down. Perfection is a work in progress, easy is a word for the weak. Lost souls are constantly in search of direction, often times, they continue to exude negativity, while standing in question for lack of believing. If you are strong in your convictions, you are in that centered group who really know how prayer works, when you pray, you need only ask for it once, continuing to repeat yourself, speaks more of a doubt than a belief. Things are not done on your schedule, plans come in the master's time. Our destiny has already been written,ordained with no interruptions.

We create the STANDARD for our lives, it comes from doing the constant work thats required. Center yourself by taking in deep slow breaths, while you visualize and focus on manifesting yourself to a solid ground of peaceful tranquil surroundings. With understanding comes progress, studying and research will always be required, living life and being rewarded wont come from findings that you stumbled upon. Trial, error and some angst, are all part of this quest, you must accept that, all will help you get to the level that you're meant to reach. You can never really imagine just how strong you are, until you're forced into the unforeseen, and seemingly out of nowhere you rise to the occasion, you didn't know you could, but he did. Are you prepared to lead the crusade? if you truly believe, it is certain that you will have a testimony.

What Are You Doing With Your Life?


  1. You better tell thst story boy and give God the praise and glory.

    1. You can do all things through Christ and thats the only way, no short cuts.

    2. I appreciate you and your gifts. To God is the truth and the light. Shine your inner light and spirit.

  2. Preach Kevin!! Words of pure wisdom. Your light is bright my dear

    1. Shine brother knighton and testify. Give God the shine.

  3. Hatd as life is, belief is what gives uou the strength yo go on. Everyday certainly is a challenge.

  4. If you believe he will carry you through, no matter the toll. Receive him and you will be rewarded.

  5. Penetrating words today young man. Continue to let him use you.

  6. Happy Friday kevin. I needed to hear your words. Thanks for being an encouraging spirit.

    1. Happy Friday! Love Love your inspiration.

  7. Have a grrat werkend Kevin, and thanks for your word encouragement.

  8. Love the new Wallpaper, very visually appealing.

    1. Love your new wallpaoer and CeCe song!

  9. Ive been through the storm and made it through to the other side with a faithful testimony.

  10. Focus is insightful.

  11. Ditto! Seek insight and spread the news

  12. Just checked my emsil, I needed this from you today, and you delivered. Thank U
