Thursday, February 28, 2013

Command Performance

Some of my favorite music is big band, and for those of you who really know me, it's where my heart truly is.  It's rare to have a Norah Jones come along in the music industry where most of it has gone to the world of lip-snyc, marketing and gimmick.  When I first heard "Best Friend" I instantly fell in love with it, I was shocked to discover that one of the song's authors was Seth MacFarland, which is really impressive.  Norah performs this song with just a piano accompaniment, and captures all the great feelings of the recording.  She sounds so incredibly awesome in this LIVE performance.  Enjoy~


  1. Quite Charming sir!

  2. Great song choice Kev'. Where did you find this song at? Whats with the guy in tge Teddy Suit? He almosted destracted me. Nonetheless great selection this week as always.


  3. I loved this song, I first heard in the movie 'Ted'. Seth McFarland is VERY takented. Thanks for posting this clip!

  4. This song charms my heart. You fo it to me everytime, you take me away, you help me to escape the 'crazy' of the world. Thank you.
