Friday, October 5, 2012


Happy Friday everyone ... Let's Talk about It!

We live out marathons day after day in our lives and most of the challenges are always representative of struggle trying to get to the thrive. Obstacles and consequences will have you hanging in the balance, the ability to co-exist through the realization of life. Lessons are never ending, long after classes are over and degrees are obtained, life is the master class and triumph is the reward of getting to the finish line. Fright helps you get to the wisdom because it channels that organic meeting of opportunity, adjustment and solution for your deliverance.

Adoration and influence is the idol, the role model that puts in the work for a successful life, one who stands for integrity, strength and stability, whose attributes constantly represents progressive movement. Like a Ferris wheel your life goes round and round, some highs, some lows, the dips and the occasion breeze can be a wonderful perk, unlike the ride at the amusement park, the key factor is to not end where you started. Make sure that you influence those around you, be engaging, well intended, sincere and deliberate. Remember people watch people, so a life design is about the miles that we have traveled, and worn tread tells of the impressions we've left along the way.

What Are Your Doing With Your Life?


  1. love it all and thanks for the song, I've never heard of the black singer, she sings well.

  2. influence is good, but setting the bar for yourself and your own life is more important than trying to achieve what others want, that necessarily do not need. just my opinion.

  3. great things to think about kevin, not always so easily to put into effect, but it does open the conversation.
