Friday, October 12, 2012


Happy Friday everyone ... Let's Talk about It!!

We search for that higher place in our lives trying to get the most out of this journey as possible, in discovery you will realize that sometimes the best moments are in the small nuances. Nothing is forever, basking in the now is a wonderful way to luxuriate. Procrastination tends to be our best friend, the ability to put off things until tomorrow.  The assumption that we'll see tomorrow is very presumptuous, yet the entitlement isn't such a strange phenomena. Most make promises to themselves that they will never keep, why is it okay to let yourself down, and have issues when others do the same. You can elevate your life by thoroughly seeking out the goodness that you deserve.

Elevation is about a consciousness visualization that can manifest whatever reality you deem worthful of life's higher plane. The approach to life, it about mind over matter. Happiness is a feeling that you can fixate your mind on, because you create the proper forum that honors our creator, and self, by being authentic. The clock ticks, just like the pulse of a heartbeat, both are capsules in time your duty is to take advantage of what's allotted to you. Lofty is elation for gratitude of moments like this, standing tall, and present in appreciation.

What Are You Doing With Your Life?


  1. lovely words sir.

  2. kev kev kev my man you are always right on time with your words and wisdom.
    one luv

  3. I appreciate living in the presence of God and his gifts to my life.

  4. another good read my friend. I look forward to your words, because you always have such good delivery. stay true to yourself and keep the focus in view, you're really on to something.

  5. your TGIF was such an enjoyable read. I look foward to Fridays on your blog, I never know what you're going to talk about, but I always know that it will be thought provoking.
    have a good weekend.

  6. everytime i see your "what are you doing with your life" is gets me, makes me what to do more be more and give into renewal and cleanse. also when I see your tag line, I know that it's the last of your words for the week:(
    see ya next Friday.

  7. I dig the words. executing is another story though.

  8. astounding words young man, makes me think that you actually listened to some of the things that I've shared with you. we shared our walk together for a pace of two on the quest of life. thanks for being a great listener and friend.
    diane salinger

  9. great thoughts kevin. keep inspiring others, you words are being heard.

  10. Good words, from a great person, who is very consistant. Please contnue.

