Thursday, March 25, 2010

I'm Just Saying...

Ladies....he's UP for grabs!!! Actor Lance Gross and model Eva Pigford have called it quits. Things haven't been right with two since the Super Bowl, where Lance was having himself a good ole time with groupies and stealing Eva's thunder. I wish both of them the best of luck.

Music genius Stevie Wonder will headline London's Hard Rock Calling Festival in London's Hyde Park on June 26th.

A few weeks ago I was told that Beyonce couldn't have babies, now word on the street is that she's pregnant, so let's watch her stomach and see if it grows, or if she stays out of the spotlight and show up with a little bundle of joy in the next ten months. Hey I'm Just Saying. If it's true Congrats Hova!!!

Bill Cosby's old "I Spy" sidekick actor Robert Culp passed away yesterday at 79 years old. Culp passed away on Wednesday after suffering a fall as he went for a walk near his El Lay home. He was rushed to the hospital after being discovered by a jogger and pronounced dead shortly after.

Finally some justice.....MTV has announced this morning that after six years of drama, betrayal, couture and Speidi, The Hills will be entering it's final season. Now maybe MTV can't get back to the music. UGH

Hollywood seems to be running out of 'new' ideas, now there's rumblings of bringing "Laverne & Shirley" to the big screen with some A-Listers like Jennifer Garner(Laverne) and Jessica Biel(Shirley). Garry Marshall will direct and Jamie Foxx will write the screenplay.....YES...Jamie Foxx. I can't wrap my head around this idea, but we'll see. Could the movie be hot?

Remember to every rumor, there's a certain bit of truth to it.

Hey Oprah, Dave Letterman, Wendy Williams and Ellen..


  1. Lance Gross is some fine ass chocolate candy, sorry for Eva, but lucky for us. I want a taste of that snickers bar.

  2. You don't nothing about Beyonce's personal business. If she's pregnant, trust she's carrying it full term. Stop being hater.

  3. Who are Laverne and Shirley? Were they sisters? Why would someone be interested in a movie on them?

  4. I want to be on Lance stick. That some fine hottness right there. Eva was a dumb dumb for letting that man go.

  5. The Hills sucked donkey. I'm glad it's cancelled. White airheads. Geez

  6. @ the poster Hakeem, you must be under 20. Laverne & Shirley was a huge television show for ABC along with Happy Days, guess you don't remember tht either.
    My post was basically to say how FINE Lance Gross is. Dammn I want some.

  7. Bey and J having a baby. I can't wait to see that little bobble head will look like.

  8. Hova finally got it the work in and smashed that 5th ward girl. Good for him.

  9. I love Lance Gross .... show some more pictures of him.
